From the hustings
'Is the tea mashed, then—' (The Prime Minister to Mrs Enid Scrivener, of Overslade, Rugby) `Mr Wilson gives a fair imitation of a bloated bullfrog terrified out of his life. Mr Heath is the nearest hing to a timid mouse on a public platform I have ever seen.' (Mr Desmond Donnelly) 'It is significant that the high-powered publicity expert whom the Prime Minister has taken on for the campaign made his name as the exponent of High Speed Gas. He should feel thoroughly at home with Mr Wilson.' (Mr John Boyd-Carpenter) 'If a company chairman produced to the shareholders the bogus sort of balance sheet that Labour has done, he would go to prison for at least ten years. The British people should beware the con-men.' (Mr Geoffrey Rippon) 'Why don't Mr Heath and Mr Wilson lay before the people some constructive policies and call a truce to this personal abuse—' (Mr Eric Lubbock) 'You go and knock on the gaffer's door and ask for £5 and he'll give you £4 now. A year ago you'd have asked for lOs and been told that Barbara Castle wouldn't allow it.' (Mr lake Rogers, TGWU official) 'Our principal concern is the level of wage increases.' (Mr lames Callaghan) 'I have set my face like flint against discrimination' (Mr Enoch Powell) 'I won't say that Mr Benn made a big txibb last night because Mr Benn isn't big enough to make a big boob.' (Mr Reginald Maud- ling) 'I know of only one alternative to Ted Heath —Harold Wilson. And I know which I pre- fer.' (Mr Quintin Hogg) `Mr Wilson is the Pied Piper of Downing Street.' (Sir Alec Douglas-Home)