Spits on images
Sir: I buy the Spectator every week to read. Starting at the back with Jeffrey Bernard I work through the excellent reviews past Paul Johnson's nonsense, and, dodging the right-wing West and Waugh, with enjoy- ment. But imagine my horror when read- ing the 16 May edition. On the exhibition page I discovered a colour reproduction of a painting the size of a large postage stamp! What it this about? Cartoons yes, carica- tures yes — but if I want colour reproduc- tions most other magazines can provide them across a double spread and glossily printed. Most good writers and editors in my experience are visually illiterate. You are obviously no exception. Your maga- zine does not need colour pictures so please don't bother. "
Roger Law
Spitting Image Productions Limited, Limehouse Studios, Canary Wharf, West India Docks, London E14.