The Roxbur g h Castle has arrived from Bengal. She left Calcutta
on the 2d Dec.— Sangur on the 5th—the Cape on the 16th Jan.—and iSt. Helena on the 30tia. Singapore papers have been received by her to the 7th Nov., which confirm the report alluded to last week of the stoppage of the trade at Canton. It seems, that the attention of the Company's Factory, having been attracted, by the failure of an extensive Hong mer- chant, to the vexatious regulations under which they have hitherto been compelled to traffic with the Chinese, the Select Committee have set forth their grievances in a letter, addressed to the Viceroy of Canton ; and, with the view of giving greater effect to their remonstrances, have directed a suspension of trade till redress be granted. The matter has been submitted to his Celestial Majesty, but he is, unfortunately, at a distant part of his dominions, and his decision is not expected till January. The Company's ships, which are an supposed to have arrived, are, in the mean time, lyiugat Toonkoo—a good anchorage to the eastward of Lintin. A severe typhoon was experienced in China about the 8th August, during which, the Bridgwater cut away her masts, and was driven on Lintin Sand; but gut off, after throwing overboard a considerable part of her outward cargo, and proceeded to Wham- poa for repair. This appears to be the only disaster which has befallen any of the Com- pany's ships.
Arrived.—At Gravesend, March 9th, Edward, Brown, from Mauritius. Off Margate,
March 11th, Roxburgh Castle, Denny, from Bengal. At Hull, March 11th, Socrates, Donkin, from Mauritius. At St. Helena, Jan. 17th, Royal George, Grant; and 18th, Emulous, Welbank, from Mauritius; 25th, Pomona, Highat, from Bon bay; W. Man- land, Jameson and 27th, Christiana, Hall, from Mauritius ; 27th, Runnymede, Wild- ridge, from Calcutta; 29th, Eliza, Dickey, from Mauritius; 30th, Sunbury, Pattison, from Singapore. At the Cape, Dec. 24th, Pacific, Corkhill, from Liverpool. Jan. 3d, Protector, Thomas, from London; 4th, Cornwallis, Henderson, from Mauritius. At Mauritius, Helen, Hardcastle, from Bordeaux. At Bengal, Nov. 10th, Zenobia, Douglas; 21st, Ganges, Boultbee ; and Eliza, Sutton, from London ; 21st, Columbia, Kirkwood; and Dec. let, Warwick, Gibson, from Liverpool ; 2d, Lady Nugent,Wimble, from London. Salled.—From Gravesend, March 7th, Sir C. Forbes, Leslie, for New South Wales; 8th, H. C. S. Castle Huntley, Drummond, for Madras and China. From Liverpool, March 5th, Calcutta, Watson, for Calcutta. Spoken.—Sir I. R. Reid, from Mauritius to London, 9th Jan. 33 south, 33 east. Albion, from Bengal to Liverpool, 13th Feb. 5 north, 23 west. John Taylor and Ganges. from ! Liverpool to Bengal; the former on the 21st Dec. off the Cape, the latter on,the 19th 1 Jan. 8 north and 21 =et.