The Cabinet met in Connell on Saturday, at the Foreign Office, and sat for nearly three hours.
A Supplement to the Gazette of Tuesday contains orders in Council, agreed to at the Court at Osborne House on the 9th instant, by which the previous orders in Council, published in the Gazette on the 6th of February last, relative to the holding of County Courts in England and Wales, are -confirmed. The first of these abolishes, with a few exceptions, the exist- ing Courts for the recovery of small debts, after the 13th of March instant; and the second orders that on the 15th instant (Monday next) the act of 'last session for the more easy recovery of small debts shall be put in force. The names of the towns wherein the Courts are to be held are repeated. A third order in Council gives notice, that after the expiration of a month, her Majesty will take into consideration the propriety of making a further -order for abolishing from the 24th of April next the Court held at Sheffield ander provisions of a local act. Under the new Act, Metropolitan Courts will be opened in Westminster, Bromptou, Marylebone, Bloomsbury, • Clerkenwell, Shoreditch, Bow, Whiteehapel, Southwark, Lambeth, and Wandsworth. The Courts for Middlesex will be at Brentford, Edmonton, and Uxbridge; those for Surrey, at Chertsey, Croydon, Dorking, Epsom, Farnham, Godalming, Guildford, Kingston, and Reigate.
Tuesday's Gazette contained a notice from the Lord Chamberlain's Office, that the Queen's drawing,room is postponed from Thursday the 25th to Saturday the 27th instant.
The .hforning Post announces that the present Parliament will be dis- solved at the end of June or beginning of July, the registration being fa- vourable to Government. [We suspect that the Post knows no more about it than anybody else—as little as her Majesty's Ministers do.] Lady John Russell, though considerably improved in health, is still confined to her room, and Dr. Ferguson continues in attendance.
Letters from Rome, of the 25th February, mention that Mr. Cobden had been honoured with a private audieace of the Pope on the 22d; and that lietetircd from it filled with res,..rect and admiration for the Pontiff.
Mr. George Thomson the correspondent of Burns, and the main prompter of his immortal lyrics was last week presented with a testi- monial, a beautiful silver vase, bearing the following inscription- " Presented to George Thomson, Esq., of Edinburgh, by one hundred of Ill3 friends and admirers, to record their regard for him as a man, and their concur- rence in the gratitude of his country, for his early, continuous, and at first hazard- ous exertions for the improvement and diffusion of the united national music and poetry of Scotland."
The subscribers to the testimonial found- eloquent and true exponent -of their sentiments in Lord Cockburn; and Mr. Thomson himself- -hearty and lively at eighty-six—also addressed- -the meeting assembled at Gibbs Hotel for the presentation.
Mr. Clive has been appointed Judge of the County Court about to be opened in Southwark under the new act. He has consequently resigned 'his appointment as one of the Magistrates at the Wandsworth and Ham- mersmith Police Courts.
Under the title of" Mr. O'Connell's Health," the Globe says " The honourable and learned Member for Cork, whose precarious state of health has excited so much interest, left the British Hotel, Jermyn Street, on Saturday last, for the country. The medical advisers of the learned gentleman have recommended a total cessation from business, and a change of air, as abso- lutely necessary. It is understood that the honourable Member will sojourn for a few weeks at Hastings, and will thereafter proceed to France, and thence by easy stages to Italy. We regret to learn, from unquestionable authority, that Mr. 0' nnell has not only become enfeebled in body, but that his mind has become dejected in an extreme degree; and that the conviction of the near approach of death, with which the learned gentleman is said to be painfully impressed, leaves little hope of his recovery. By the immediate friends and relatives of the hon- ourable and learned Member the most anxious apprehensions are felt as to his recovery; and the possibility of his again taking a part in public affairs is utterly loPelese The West India papers announce the death of Mr. Charles T. Cunning- ham, the Lieutenant-Governor of St. Christopher. Mr. Cunningham died suddenly, on the 14th of February, from an attack of apoplexy.
The last New York packet-ship, which sailed on the 9th of February, brings continued accounts of abundance in the grain-markets. Last year there sailed, from New York alone, 600 ships, averaging 500 tons burden, all laden with "bread-stuffs." Within a few days before the packet sailed, 67 ships were lading at New York for England, mostly with bread-stuffs; 13 at Philadelphia, and proportionate numbers at Boston, Baltimore' and the Southern ports. The highest point yet attained for the very best flour is 28s. per barrel, and prices are expected to keep moderate.
The authorities at Venice have forbidden the exportation of wheat or maize until further notice; this prohibition having previously been enforced as regards Lombardy. , "someigireese. The Paris correspondent of the Times mentions that the
seines had addressed to the faithful of his diocese a most ; ■.;_ • • At'd
in favour of Ireland, and had ordered that on two consecutive Sundays donations should be received on behalf of its famishing population in all the churches.
A correspondent of the Daily News calls attention to the fact, that there is scarcely a school, either public or private, in which subscriptions have not been raised among the scholars in aid of the funds for the relief of the distressed Scotch and Irish. The pupils of Eton sent 1701. to the United Relief Association in Leicester Square.
The abolition of Eton Montem is raising a commotion among the Eton- lens. The conduct of the Provost and the Head Master has been attacked in letters to the papers; and also at a meeting of " Old Etonians," which was held on Tuesday. The qnondam scholars filled the large room at the British Coffeehouse; and, under the guidance of Lord John Manners as chairman, unanimously adopted a petition to the Queen, beseeching her to command the Provost and authorities of Eton College to reconsider their hasty decision. Both Dr. Hodgson and Dr. Hawtrey have defended them- selves in print, on the common ground that they have acted conscientiously to preserve the morals of the Eton boys from corruption. Dr. Hodgson narrates the circumstances connected with the application to the Queen for her immediate sanction to the abolition of Montem ; and quotes the letter finally received from Lord John Russell on the subject, as conveying her Majesty's concurrence. The letter is dated the 7th of January, and is as follows— "I have made every inquiry I could as to the utility or injury of Eton Montana to the interests of the school. The general opinion I find to agree with that which you and the Provost entertain. Her Majesty would be very unwilling to sanction, by any direct act of her own, the abolition of a custom so ancient, and which has been popular in the school. But the Queen will not interpose to pre- vent any decision on the subject which the authorities of Eton may form upon their own experience and judgment."
A correspondent of the Morning Post, who signs himself "One of the Great Minority," asks whether there is any truth in the statement that the Bishop of London has, "by private treaty, stipulated that two Field-Mar- shals having been placed over the learned Universities, at the next va- cancies the Archbishop of Canterbury should be made Governor of Wool- wich, and the Archbishop of York of Sandhurst. "The number of Canons already at the former establishment may have given currency to the report, The Art.-Union mentions a strange disaster to one of the piatures in the National Gallery, Hilton's "Serene Rescued by the Red-Cross Knight, Sir Calepine "—
"This picture was presented to the National Gallery. Unfortunately, some parts of it have been painted in a medium which has never properly hardened or dried; and one of the evil consequences has been that an eye of the female figure has slipped down a quarter of an inch, and there formed a perfect festoon in alto- relieve. On the 2d of March 1846, the Trustees of the National Gallery took into consideration the unsatisfactory condition of this picture; and Mr. Eastlake was requested to consult with Mr. Seguier with respect to the best manner of restor- ing it. Qn the 6th of April following, Mr. Segmer replied by letter, saying, that having examined the picture by Hilton in the Gallery, he did not feel any confi- dence in being able to restore it. -Under these unfavourable circumstances the picture has been for the present withdrawn, and hung upside down in one of the private apartments, in the hope that the 'SO mityslideback to its proper position."
[This is at least a safer mode of.":"„testerripg" than some that have been adopted. As the Trustees have turned so Scrupulous that William Hilton is held sacred from change, we presume, it fortiori, that older masters will be held still more so.] Sergeant-Major John Gilleland, of the Eleventh Hussars, has received com- mission in that corps, with the rank of _Quartermaster.
A romantic incident is reported in the Glasgow Saturday Post. During one of the performances at the Adelphi Theatre in Glasgow, while a Mrs. De Bourgh was on the stage, a milittiy.lboliing matt exclaimed from the pit, "My wife, by Heaven! my Eliza!" On hearing the voice, the lady swooned. The manager interposed to obtain an explanation of the interruption; and after some inquiry on both sides, satisfied himself that the gentleman, Lieutenant Lewis, had not been mistaken. Mr. Lewis and the lady had married when young in England; he, at the time, a private soldier, she, a rising member of a theatrical company. The regiment was ordered abroad; Mrs. Lewis could not obtain leave to go with her husband; and they had not seen each other since. Eight years later, learn- ing that her husband was dead, she married again; but the second husband died about eighteen months ago. The long-separated couple were now reunited with every appearance of delight; Mr. Lewis promising to show his wife their son— who had been allowed to go with him—now a man six feet two in height.
The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamer Tiber was wrecked on the 20th February. She left Lisbon in the morning with about twelve passengers and some gallegos for Vigo; and in endeavouring to make the port in a fog, went on shore on a point of land near Villa de Conde. No blame is imputed to the captain. Most of the passengers and crew were saved by boats from the shore. The only death ascertained is that of an old Spanish General, who was washed off the deck. It was feared that very little wonldhe saved from the ship, which was a total wreck.
The fire in the Grand Decal Theatre at Carlsruhe, on the 28th of February, broke out in one of the boxes of the second tier, after the audience had begun to assemble; and spread so rapidly that escape was very difficult. Many persons on the third tier ot galleries were stifled. The number of persons dead and missing was seventy. One who saved himself by getting out of a window to the roof of an ad- joining house states, that when the fire broke out everybody rushed towards the doors; but the effect of the gas was so strong that they began to lose their sight, and were crowded together in a senseless state, unable to utter a cry. A chimney-sweeper who saved a person in the third tier said, "All who are now there are seated, without having been able to move a limb."
Number of Winter deaths. average.
ymotle (or Epidemic, Endemic, and Contagious) Diseases 148 . 183 ropey, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 110 .... 112 seasies of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 173 ... 170 lenses of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 383 • • .. 354 images of the Heart and Blood-vowels Leases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 'leases of the Kidneys, Sc Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, Sc Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones. Joints, Sc. Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, So.
Old Age
violence, Privation. Cold, and Intemperance Total (including unspecified causes)
Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last— as so 10 - • • • s
12 . • • . Is 10 • • • • 7 2 . - - 2 de – • • St 84 .... so — 1008 LOSS
The temperature of the thermometer ranged from 63.00 in the sun to 15.30° in the shade; the mean temperature by day being colder than the average mean temperature by 3.3°. The mean direction of the wind for the week was North- -east.
After fine open weather, under whose influence spring vegetation was begin- ning, we have again been visited with snow and frost. On Wednesday night the -temperature in London was very low; the snow was not very deep, but continued to he on the earth; and on Thursday the frost rebiated the direct iufluence of the thawing only in parts, and reflecting the light of spring from the icy mirror of winter. A real thaw came yesterday, and continued today.