13 MARCH 1847, Page 11

By the packet-ship Virginian, there are advices from New York

to the 18th February. On the 9th and 10th, the Senate bad been occupied with providing 3,000,000 dollars for the Mexican war. Mr. Calhoun made an important speech, describing the difficulties and objections that militated against the further prosecution of the Mexican war, and proposing a new plan. He was in favour of abandoning all offensive operations, and establishing a line commencing at the mouth of the Rio Grande, thence up the river to El Passe, thence due West, striking the Gulf of California near its head; and holding this line, acting alto- gether on the defensive. In addition, he was for establishing customhouses at ports now in possession of the American forces, and levying moderate duties to meet all the expenses of bolding the line proposed, which would be about 2,250,000 dollars per annum. One fort at the mouth of the river, another at Camargo, and a third at El Passe, would be all that would be necessary; and five regiments could maintain this line. He was not in favour of holding this linepernutnently, but subject to a treaty of peace. Re thought this policy would incline Mexico to peace. She would see they were undertaking only what they bad strength to perform, and were not attempting to destroy her national exist- ence. Their policy should be to preserve Mexico independent. There was a mysterious connexion between her fate and theirs. Mr. Cass opposed this plan, and declared himself for a vigorous prosecution of the war. The debate had not concluded.

Mr. Walker, the Secretary of the Treasury, had given public notice that pro- posals would be received for a loan of 18,000,000 dollars, at 6 per cent.

A meeting had been held at Washington for the relief of Ireland. Mr. Webster carried resolutions recommending immediate contributions, and providing for their collection. The Albany Legislature had adopted a motion by Mr. Basconi, for a bill to permit the conveyance of bread-stuffs destined for the poor of Europe toll-free.

From the seat of war the accounts are unimportant: the American generals were waiting for reinforcements.