OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, March 8.—Corps of Royal Engineers—Brevet Major F. R. Thomson to be Lieut.-Col. vice Gipps, deceased; Second Capt. W. Tolland to be Capt. vice Thomson; First Lieut. J. W. Gosset to be Second Capt. vice Tolland; Second Lieut. S. B. Farrell to be First Lieut. vice uosset. ADMIBALTT, March 8.—The following promotions have this day taken place, conse- quent upon the death of Vice-Admiral of the White N. Tomlinson—Vice-Admiral of the Blue Hon. D. P. Bouverle to be Vice-Admiral of the White ; Rear-Adiniral of the II:x1 R. Jackson to be Vice-Admiral of the Blue • Rear-Admiral of the White B. Hodgson to be Rear-Admiral of the Red; Rear-Ada:drat of the Blue W. Bowles, C.B. to be Rear- Admiral of the White.