Ileeort on the Mortality of Cholera itr _England,. 1848-49. (Registrar- General's Report.) The Shrines and. Sepulchres of the Old and New frcrld : Records of Pilgrimages in. many Lands, and Researches connected with the His- tory of Places remarkable, for the Memorials of the Dead, &c.' inclu- ding Notices of the Funeral Customs of The principal Nations, Ancient
and Modern. By'R. B.. Madden, M.R.LA. In two volumes. . Men and Women of Prance during the Last Century. Dr three volumes.
The Court and the-Desert; or Priests, Pastors, and-Philosophers, in the Time of Louis XV. From- the French. In three volumes.
Modern India: a SIcetch.of the System of Civil Government. TO which is prefixed, some-Account of the Natives and Native Institutions.. By George Campbell, Esq., Bengal Civil Service.
Pauperism and Poor,laws. By Robert Pashley, one of her Majesty's Counsel, lateEellow of Trinity-College, Cambridge; Author of '4-Travels in Crete."
• A Grammar of-Musical' ItarmonK. By-Toter Hullah,,Proffissor of-Vo- cal Music in King's College and in Queen's College, London.
Memoirs of the Whig Party during. My Time. By Henry Richard Lord Holland. Edited by his Son, Henry- Edward Lord' Holland. Volume I.
Zoblogical Notes. and Anecdotes.
.Letters from Italy and Vienna.
[These letters, written during the past year, begin at Vienna and close at Turin ; the writer having visited Trieste, Venice, and the other cities of an Italian tour, but lingered longest at Rome and Naples. His principal subjects are the religious ceremonies of Easter at Rome, and the state of re- ligious practice and feeling both at Rome and Maples. His most interesting topics are the feelings of the Austrian army, and its eagerness for war with any one;. the dislike with which. Englishmen are regarded throughout the Austrian dominions, chiefly, the writer thinks, through the assault upon Ge- neral Hay nau ; and the dishonesty of the Romans and Neapolitans. These matters have a living interest, and are lifelike;, but they are brief and-oc- casional. The bulk of the subjects in the letters is worn threadbare, and the writer too frequently substitutes his own, opinions for description of things.] Historical Sketches ; illustrating some. important Events and.Epochs from A. D. 1400 to A. D. 1646. By John Hampden Gurney, 2a.A., Rector of St. Mary's; Marylebone. [These sketches originated, in a seriereof lectuneawhich Mr: Gurney delivered at a mechanics institution in a small country parish, of which he was, curate. The topics selected were some of the most remarkable and influential events of the middle ages. They consist of Joan of Are and the expulsion' of the English from France, Caxton and the invention: of printing, the. progress of maritime discovery and Columbus, Luther and the Reformation; the preliminary events in each case being sketched, as well as the lives of the most prominent persons in. connexion with.thein. There is nothing new in. the facts or very remarkable in the reflections, but the sketches are read- able, and fulfil the object of the auther,—wilich. is to furnish "'yonthrii maidens, and intelligent working men, with some pleasant and- useful read.-- ing," as well as to serve for an introduction to history.], 2fichaucrs History of the Crusades. Translated from the French, by W. Robson. In three-volumes. Volume I. [Michaud's clever History of the Crusades—detailed, but not dull—has been too long before the world to require any elaborate account of its treatmen or any critical estimate of its merit. It is singular, in such an age of pub- lishing activity, that no translation has appeared% for although numbers read French,, a. greater number do not, and not many, read with facility- the-matter is. lost eight of in looking after-the meaning. Mr. Robson has done a service in making Michaud accessible• to- the general reader, and; apparently, at a cheap rate.] 2714 Future : or the Science of Politics. By A. Alison, FAR., Author of " The Second Reformation," &c. [An attempt to reach the essence of political philosophy by combining theology with politics. A variety of topics are handled, but in so abstract a way that often when we admit the truth we are no nearer any practical end.]
The Master .Engineers and their Workmen. Three Lectures. By J. M. Ludlow, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-law.
School Sermons, preached in the Chapel of Marlborough College. By Matthew Wilkinson, D.D., Master of Marlborough College. [Discourses addressed primarily to the students of Marlborough College, on the duties rather than the doctrines of Christianity. The topics selected are within the comprehension of youth, and applicable to their time of life, while the lessons they point are available at any age.] Poems, Sacred and Miscellaneous. By H. G. IA volume of sacred poems,. chiefly on Scriptural subjects, and hymns, fol- lowed by some songs and miscellaneous verses, which last have generally a grave if not a religious feeling.] Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China, during the years 1844-5-6. By M. Hue. Translated from the French, by W. Hazlitt. In two volumes. Volume IL Illustrated with fifty Engravings on Wood. (National Illustrated Library.) [The second and concluding volume of a work a condensed translation of which has appeared in Longman's "Travellers Library."] Narrative of the Loss of the Amazon Steam-Vessel, on Sunday morn- ing, January 4,1852. (Bentley's Shilling Series.)
Of continuations and new editions, the most remarkable is Lamartine's " History of the Restoration ": the present " division " of which embraces the return of Napoleon from Elba, and at considerable length the struggles of the Royalists against him throughout France ; the first proceedings at the Congress of Vienna ; Napoleon's intrigues there, and the precipitate action and downfall of Murat. Another edition of Guyot's " Earth and Man " bears testimony to the brilliant generalization of the French cosmogonist : the " abridgment" of the title chiefly refers to style, the lectures leaving been orally delivered, and written off for publication in an American news- paper on the successive mornings after their delivery : the notes in part re- late to expressions that may give rise to misconceptions in reference to the gradual development of the world.. Elmes's "Sir Christopher Wien" is founded on a quarto work of the author's published some years since : the present life is written in a more popular style ; "illustrative sketches and anecdotes of celebrated persons, and of striking events connected with him and his times," being intermingled with the life. Dr. Mackay's "Extra- ordinary Popular Delusions " appears in a handsome form, with numerous illustrative wood-cuts. Edgar Poe's "Tales " form the first volume of a neat shilling series called " Readable Books." "The Hearths of the Poor" is a collection of anecdotes or incidents expanded into " stories " something similar to those of the religious tract : they were originally published in the "Children's Missionary Magazine."
Lamartine's History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France. Di- vision III. (Contemporary French Literature.)
The Earth and Han; or Physical Geography in its relation to the His- tory of Mankind. Slightly abridged from the work of Arnold Guy- ot, Professor of Physical Geography and History at Neuchatel, Switzerland. With corrections and a few Notes.
Cosmos; Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. By Alex- ander von Humboldt. Volume III. Part H. Translated under the Superintendence of Colonel Edward Sabine, R.A., V. P. and Treas. R.S. Sir Christopher Wren and his Times. With Illustrative Sketches and Anecdotes of the most Distinguished Personages in the Seventeenth Century. By James Elmes, late Surveyor of the Port of London, &c. Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. By Charles Mackay, LLD. In two volumes. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. (National Illustrated Library.) Tales of Mystery, Imagination, and Butnour ; and Poems. By Edgar Allan Poe. Illustrated with twenty-six Engravings on Wood. (Read- able Books.) Self-Control. By Mrs. Brunton. (Railway, Library.)
The Hearths of the Poor; or True English Stones from real English life. By M. A. S. Barber. Approach to the Holy Altar. By Bishop Ken. From his "Manual of Prayer," and " Practice of Divine Love."
"What are you at?" A Plain Question, addressed to the Earl of Derby. By a Leicestershire Farmer. Brief Suggestions on the subject of War and Invasion, &c. The Home of the Workman : a Lecture delivered in the Greenock Me- chanics' stitution. By Allan Park Paton. Notes on Lunatic Asylums in Germany and other Parts of Europe. By W. F. Cumming, M.D.
The Metropolis and its Municipal Administration : showing the Es- sentials of a sound System of Municipal Self-government, as appli- cable to all Town Populations, &c. By J. Toulmin Smith, Esq., Barrister-at-law.
Ireland. Observations on the People, the Land, and the Law, in 1851; with especial reference to the Policy, Practice, and Results of the En- cumbered Estates Court. Third edition.
On the Amendment of the Law and Practice of Letters Patent for In- ventions. By Thomas Webster, Esq., M.A., &c. Second edition, A Few Words upon the Merits and Demerits of the Question of _Free Trade.
The Preservation and _Restoration of Ancient Monuments ; a Paper read before the Archaeological Institute at Bristol, July 29, 1851. With Notes. By Edward A. Freeman, M.A., &c.
Periodical Savings applied to Provident Purposes, &c. Br Alexander Robertson, W.S., A.I.A.Homeopathy ; a Popular Exposition and Defence of its Principles and Practice. By Walter Johnson, M.B. Yes or .No?