13 MARCH 1852, Page 20


On the 5th March, at Brook Vicarage, near Norwich, the Wife of the Rev. Dr. Beal, of a daughter. On the 5th, at Elm Field, Upper Clapton, Mrs. Joseph Savory, of a son. On the 8th, at Ayott St. Lawrence, Lady Emily Cavendish, of a daughter. On the 8th, Lady Armstrong, Wife of Sir Andrew Armstrong, Bart., M.P., of a son. On the 11th, in Mansfield Street, the Hon. Mrs. Hall, of a son.


On the 12th January. at Meerut, East Indies, H. Topham Clements, Esq., Four- teenth (King's) Light Dragoons, to Caroline Sarah, youngest daughter of Lieutenant- Colonel L. IL Smith, Sixth Bengal Light Cavalry. On the 13th, at St. John's Church, Calcutta, by the Rev. James Gawen, M.A., Robert, son of Major Doris., late of H. M. Eighteenth Royal Irish. to dory Re- becca, daughter of the late Thomas Bracken. Esq., of Belchamp, St. Paul's, Essex.

On the 3c1 March, at the Holy Trinity Church, Hull. John Rose Butlin. Esq., eldest son of the late John Butlin, Esq., of Turville Park, Bucks, and Westfield

House, Ealing,:to Mary, youngest daughterof Timothy Reeves, Esq., of Lister Street, Hull.

On the 4th, at Dauntsey, Major Exham Schomberg Turner Swyny, Sixty-third Regiment, to Bertha, second daughter of the Rev. George Augustus Biedermium, M.A., Rector of Dauntsey, Wilts.

On the 9th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Hamilton Onslow, Commander in the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company's Service, to Mary Douglas, youngest daugh- ter of the late Rev. George Walton Onslow, of Dunsborough, Ripley, Surrey.


On the 1st March, at Florence, Edward Lombe, Esq., of Melton Hall, Wymoad- ham, Norfolk ; in his 53d year. On the 2d, at Cheltenham, Reginald Wilton Macdonald, Esq., formerly of the Seventeenth Lancers, son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel John Macdonald, of Sum- merlands, Exeter, and grandson of Flora Macdonald ; in his 38th year. On the 5th, at Hartley Westpall, Hants. the Rev. John Keate, D.D., for many years Head Master of Eton College, and a Canon of Windsor. On the 5th, at Tyneham, Dorsetshire, the Rev. William Bond, Rector of Steeple- with-Tyneham, and Canon of Bristol Cathedral; in his 95th year. On the 6th, at Colchester. the Rev. George Parry Marriott, M.A., Canon of York, Vicar of Eynesford, Kent, Rector of Hazeleigh, Essex, Chaplain to his late R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, 8cc. ; in his 75th year. On the 6th, at Ryde, Vice-Admiral Sir William A. Montagu, C.B., K.C.H.; in his 67th year. On the 7th, at Black Rock House, county of Dublin, the Rev. Sir Harcourt Lees, Bart. ; in his 75th year.

On the nth, in Eaton Place, the Right Hon. Lady Margaret Henrietta Maria Milhanke, only daughter of the late Lord and Lady Grey of Groby, and sister of the present Earl of Stamford and Warrington; in her 26th year. On the 7th, at Paris, the Right Hon. Lady Jane Dalrymple Hamilton; in her 7401 year. On the 7th, at the Rectory, Lowick, the Rev. Henry Frederick Stoddart, BA., of Sidney College, Cambridge, and Curate of Islip, the second and only surviving Soo of the Rev. John Stoddart, D.D., Rector of Lowick and Islip, Northamptonshire; in his 26th year.

On the 8th, at Hampton Court Palace, Julia Cecile, third daughter of Lord Henry Gordon.

On the 9th, in Lower Grosvenor Street, Mary Stuart, Widow of the Right Hon. William Dundas, formerly Lord Register of Scotland, and sister of the late Lord Wharncliffe; in her 82d year. On the 9th, at Woolwich, Major-General Lacy, Director-General of the Artillery• at the Royal Arsenal; in his 72d year. On the 9th, at Belvidere House, Ryde, Isle of Wight, the Right Hon. Lady Decks Lately, Sir William Jackson Homan, Bart.; in his 82d year.