13 MARCH 1852, Page 20


Anura.urr, March 8.—The following promotions have taken place this day con- sequent on the death, on the 6th instant, of Vice-Admiral of the Blue Sir W. A. Montagu, C.B. K.C.H.—Bear-Admiral W. Croft, on the Reserved List, to be Vice- Admiral on the same List ; Rear-Admiral of the Bed W. Bowles, C.B. to be Vice- Admiral of the Blue ; Rear-Admiral of the White J. Pasco to be Rear-Admiral of the Red ; Rear-Admiral of the Blue R. Wauchope to be Rear-Admiral of the White; Capt. D. H. O'Brien ; Capt. E. Lloyd, K.H. ; Capt. B. M. Kelly ; to be Rear-Ad- mirals on the Reserved List ; Capt. A. L. Corry to be Rear-Admiral of the Blue. The following Capta. on the Retired List have been promoted to be Retired Rear- Admirals on the terms proposed in the London Gazette of the 1st September 1846, but without increase of pay—Capt. A. Montgomerie ; J. W. Montagu ; Hon. G. P. Campbell ; W. B. Bigland, K.H. ; G. C. Gambier ; J. Gore (a); J. Gcdge.