We continue our gleanings from the matter daily growing more bulky, which the journals accumulate on the movements in preparation for a general election. We present only new points.
THE Ilsru000rns.
For the City of London, Alderman Sidney is said to intend presenting himself. For Westminster, Sir De Lacy Evans will again stand. A re- quisition to Captain William Peel, of the Navy, third son of the late Sir Robert, is in course of signature—that he should stand "on his father's principles." For the Tower Hamlets, Sir William Clay will again stand. THE NORTH.
At York, Mr. Milner has met a great public meeting convened to consider the position of the Liberal cause under the present Administration;nd his explanations seem to have been well received. At Leeds, Mr. J. Garthr Mar- shall, the sitting Member, and one of the two candidates last week fixed on for the next election, will retire, on the ground of ill health : and Mr. Mat- thew Talbot Baines, late President of the Poor-law Board, will be invited to leave Hull. At Halifax, Sir Charles Wood will again be supported by the Liberals, and Mr. Frank Crossley will stand with him, in opposition to Mr. Henry Edwards, his present coadjutor—a Conservative and "dubious Free-trader." If the Liberals unite compactly, they have excellent chances. At Wakefield, Mr. Sanders, the Conservative, who sees no case for reversing the Free-trade policy which he opposed on principle, is to be opposed by Mr. William Henry leathern, a Quaker, brother-in-law of Mr. Bright—of very Liberal politics : the contest is expected to be very sharp. At Scarborough, the Earl of Mulgrave will stand again • Mr. George Frederick Young, who beat him, retiring upon Cambridgeshire. gir J. Johnstone also stands again. There will be Conservative opponents. In North Northumberland, Lord Lovaine, the Duke of Northumberland's nephew, will oppose Sir George Grey ; and in South Northumberland, if Mr. Matthew Bell retires, Mr. Beaumont of Bye- well will stand as a Free-trader. At Sunderland, where last week it was re- ported that Mr. Hudson proposes to bring in another Conservative with him- self, Mr. Fenwick, of stroug local connexions, will stand, possibly in the place of Sir Hedworth Williamson, whose intended retirement is rumoured. At South Shields, it is now said that Mr. Wawn, a Free-trader in everything but navigation, does not stand again : Mr. Ingham, who goes forward on the one point about which he hesitates, is a can- didate in his stead. In South Lancashire, the Constitutional Society of Liverpool is said to meditate putting forward the Conservative Colonel Lindsay, M.P. for Wigan ; or, more likely, Mr. Newdegate, whose seat for North Warwickshire the Freehold Societies have put in im- minent danger. At Bury in Lancashire, where Lord Goderich was last week making inquiries by an agent, Lord Duncan, retiring from Bath on grounds stated in reference to that constituency, is now the adopted candidate. Being a visitor at the house of his relative Mr. Philips, he ac- cepted an invitation to stand in place of Mr. Walker, who retires : he is now a highly popular candidate. At Oldham, the friends of the Conservative Member, Mr. Duncuft, are now busy ou his behalf against the combination of the supporters of Mr. W. J. Fox, the Liberal Member, and Mr. Cobbett, the second Liberal candidate. A private canvass is said to be on foot also for Mr. Frederick Peel. At Bolton, Sir Joshua Walmsley retires, having superior prospects at Leicester; Mr. Peter Ainsworth, the sitting Member, stands again, holding on to Free-trade, but promising only "serious con- sideration" of Reform. Two liberals are " mentioned" ; Mr. Heywood, a townsman, and Mr. Baxley of Manchester, but a native of and a proprietor in Bolton. In Stockport, Mr. Cheetham, of Staley-Bridge, is put forward by "the Manchester school," with Mr. Heald, the sitting Member. At Macclesfield, Mr. Edward C. Egerton, brother of thu Member for North Cheshire, will stand as a Conservative.
In .Denbighshire, as the Chester Courant reports, Mr. Begot will not and Usk,) Mr. Craw- shay but will again stand with Sir W. W. Lindsay Wynn, and as supporter of Lord Derby. For the Monmouthshire Boroughs,
shay Bailey is canvassing against Mr. Lin y the great shipping-owner.
In Flintshire, Mr., Lloyd Mostyn retires, and Sir John Hanmer stands. Mr. Mostyn will stand for the Flint Boroughs. For the Pembrokeshire Boroughs, (Haverford-West, Narberth, and Fishguard,) Mr. Evans stands again. At Leominster, Mr. Frederick Peel and Mr. Arkwright are vigor- ously canvassing against each other ; and each is confident in tone. In Gloucestershire West, it is now said that Mr. Grantley Berkeley's son, a Ro- man Catholic, cannot stand, his religion being an insurable obstacle. In East Gloucestershire, a rumour that the Marquis of Worpecester will retire is said to want confirmation; and it is said that the Marquis and Sir W. Codrineton will be returned without opposition. At Bristol, Mr. William Miles has formally intimated his intention to retire, the Conservatives being "divided." Mr. Gore Langton, Mayor of the City, and son of the late Colonel Gore Langton, is the adopted candidate of the Libe- rals : the Conservatives are " considering." At Warwick, Mr. Collins retires ; and Mr. Mellor, Q.C., is a Liberal candidate. In. Oxford- shire, Colonel North is a candidate, as a supporter of Lord Derby. The Liberals talk of voting for Lord Norreys and Mr. Harcourt, Conserve,. tive Free-traders, if the Conservatives turn against them. At Windsor, Mr. Arthur Vansittart is a candidate in support of Lord Derby : he is a large landed proprietor in and round the borough. Colonel Reid. again stands.. In East Worcestershire, Mr. Robert Clive, mentioned last week as a candi- date to succeed his father Colonel Clive, and reverse his Anti-Corn-law votes, now objeeta to vote also against Maynooth; so the prospects of Mr. Foley, the Liberal, improve. At East Retford, Lord Galway again stands. In Cambridgeshire, Mr. Townley will make a vigorous fight against the invasion of Mr. George Freaerick Young; Mr. Yorke and Lord George Manners, the Protectionists, are considered quite safe. At Cambridge University, the representation is likely to remain as, at present. At Cambridge Borough, Mr. Campbell's services are to be dispensed with. Mr. Roberta, of the Temple, was a candidate ; but the.moderate Whigs stood aloof, and he retired. Mr. -Francis Mowatt, the M.P. retiring from Falmouth and Penrhyn, is now adopted : his return and that of Mr. Shafto Adair are considered safe. At _Lincoln, Colonel Sibthorp of course stands firm. A requisition to Sir Bulwer Lytton is in course of signature ; and Mr. Seeley, the Liberal miller, is going to stand again. In East Suffolk, it is feared by the Conservatives that Lord Rendlesham retires, from indisposition ; but a strong Protestant and Protectionist candidate is ready. At Great Yarmouth, the reelection 'of the present Members, Mr. Sanders and Mr. Rumbold, is said to be very doubtful. Mr. Edward Ladd Betts, the railway contractor, and partner of Mr. Peto M.P., is likely to be brought forward on the Liberal interest. Sir Edward Lacon and Mr. W. IL Windham have also been named.
Tits Souris.
At Rochester, the sitting Members, Mr. Bernal and Mr. Hodges, stand again; Mr. Bodkin offers himself again as a Conservative, but refusing pledges about Maynooth. At Chatham, Sir Frederick Smith offers himself as a supporter of the policy of the late Sir Robert Peel. At Canterbury, Colonel Romilly will "come in again, probably with another Liberal," says the South-eastern Gazette, and " Mr. Smythe will be nowhere." At Rye,71ir. Pomfret is to be asked by requisition to sit as a Conservative and Protectionist. At Lyme Regis, Admiral Ilornby and Mr. Tatchel are the fellow Ministerial candi- dates. At Salisbury, Mr. Slade, the Conservative Queen's counsel, will try to unseat one of the Liberal Members. At Wells, Mr. Hayter is busy look- ing after his interests, and another Liberal is likely to be a candidate. At Bath, as we have already stated, Lord Duncan retires. Ife says to the Liber- als—" The circumstances which led to our political connexion are very much altered." "I feel that I could not continue to act as your representative without disturbing the peace and harmony which are so essentialfor the wel- fare and prosperity of your ancient city." So he leaves them, with kindly compliments—and has already fallen on his feet in Bury. AtBridport, it is said by the Exeter Gazette, that Mr. H. Baillie, Member for Inverness-shire, will stand on Protectionist principles. At Tavistoek, Mr. Carter, a "five- points " Radical, will contend for a seat with Mr. Russell and Mr. Trelawny. In East Cornwall, Mr. Kendall of Pelynt will be brought forward as a Pro-: tectionist, against the Free-trader Mr. J. T. A. Itobartes. At Truro, Mr. Montague Smith, a Protectionist barrister, will oppose Mr. Humphrey Wil- liams, the sitting Liberal Member.
In Mid-Lothian, Sir John Hope certainly stands again. In Roxburgh- shire, the Honourable J. S. Elliot contradicts a rumour of his intention to retire. In Ross-shire, a Protectionist opponent to Sir James Matheson is talked of. At the Wigtown Burghs, Mr. James Caird, the Liberal Agricul- tural Commissioner of the Times, and a proprietor connected with two of the burghs, is a candidate. At the Ayr Burghs, Sir James Stuart resolves on retirement, and recommends his friend Mr. Crawford, younger of Anche- manes ; but a Protectionist opposition is brewing: Lord James is said to ire- tend starting for Butekhire.
At Armagh, the " primatial city," Mr. Ross Moore is a. Protectionist can- didate. In Galway County, the Honourable R. Daly is canvassing the electors. At Galway Town, Mr. 0'.Flaherty and his brother Mr. E. O'Fla- harty are said to intend opposing Lord Dunkellin and Mr. M. J. Blake. In Tipperary County, " one Member at least" retires, and Mr. Bagwell of Marl- field is invited. In Sligo County, Mr. Benjamin Oliveira, one of the 10001. subscribers to the Anti-Corn-law League fund, is a candidate. In West- meath County, "Sir Percy Nugent will stand and be returned" ; Mr. John Ennis, Chairman of the Irish Midland and Great Western Railway Company, will be a candidate. In Wexford County, Mr. Grogan Morgan stands again. In Cork County, Mr. Frewen, brother of the English M.P. forSurrey, stands as a Protectionist, who, having been brought up on the Continent among Catholics, will not vote against Maynooth. At Limerick City, Lord Arun- del's reelection is said to be safe.