We have-reason, tolselieve that her Majesty will,not.take.any long ma-- rine excursion this year before July- The Royal yacht Victoria and Al- bert, it: s said" will have, at moat thorough refit,. and will be in the dock- yard-mereehandsuntil the middle of June.—United Service- Gazette.
The &1St Council of the Disraeli-Derby Cabinet. assembled at the Fo- reign Office on the afternoon of Saturday, and eat upwards of three hours. It is carefully recorded by the Ministerial authorities. thati Sir John, Pa- kington writhe first of the Council who arrived: Ass the youngest and least experienced of the bridesmaids is always the first at a wedding, !so the greatest novice-in' diplomacy-is the most eager- for initiation into
mysteries. of the Ministerial deliberations. Sir John Pakington was - !hair an hour in the. COuncil-room before his colleagues joined him, and had full opportunity or testing. the rputlity of the blottingepaper and spew.- latinramto,whether the inkstandewere ofcolonial or foreign woo& Mr.. Disraeli, less inquisitive; but,more importantousivedwith the'PFimeMi''
sister, say the oracles, after all the others had assembled; testifying, as he would have the world believe, the depth of his leader's confidence, and the grave nature of the preliminary considerations in which they had been engaged -Daily ems, March 8.
A Council again on Monday sat three hours.
The present Government will, it is stated; adopt the Army Estimates proposed by-theirpredecessors, without alteration.—Daily Hews, March 12.
The rumours of the possible change in the. Cbrn-laws of England have been received with the utmost consternation in such of the corn-growing districts as are still in a position to export. Upwards of three hundred ships in the Black Sea, and a still greater number at Constantinople, are lying idle ; and in Constantinople extreme anxiety was manifested (at the last adviees) on all hands fbr the first whisper of the projected changes in England, no merchant venturing to freight a vessel until something posi- tive was known. This was felt more, says a letter from Trieste, on ac- count of the favourable state of the weather, and the probability of quick passagea—Daily News. •
The Duke of Northumberlitudhasi.since his accession tooffice, removed. from his residence in Whitehall Gardens to his family town mansion,. Northumberland Ho.use' Charing Cross; and on Saturdayhe gave a grand dinner, to which Lord' Derby and a number of his political colleagues were invited. It is understood that Northumberland Ifousswill be thrown open to a succession of brilliant parties during the present season.
We understand that the office of Solicitor-General for England was of. fermi to our countryman; Mr. John Stuart or Ballachulish, M.P. forNew- ark, but was declined by that gentleman on personal consideration:— Edinburgh Courant.
Mr. James Mather, from Florence, had an interview on Thursday with the Earl of Malmesbury, at the Foreign Offiee.—Court Circular.
Mr. Scott Murray, the High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, has published' a letter to the Lord Chief Justice- of England, justifying the conduct which Lord Campbell rebuked last week, in reference to the Roman Catholic chaplain cibtrnded into the company of the Assize Judges. At great length he controverts two propositions on which he assumes the validity of the rebuke to be founded,— 'that the chaplain appointed by the Sheriff becomes the chaplain of the Judges" ; and "that the Pro- testant religion, by which your Lordship plainly meant the religion of the Established• Church, is the-religion of the Judges." He adds, in a postscript, some modern precedents for his conduct. In 1837, Mr. James Wheble, High Sheriff of Berkshire was attended by the Reverend Ringrose as his Roman Catholic Chaplain, without objection in the Spring by Sir James. Parke or Sir William Rolland, or in the Autumn by Lord Abinger or Mr. Justice Coleridge. In the same year, Mr.
Whitgreave High Sheriff of Staffordshire, was attended by his Roman Catholic chaplain, the Reverend Edward Huddlestone. In 1839, Mr. Tempest, High. Sheriff of Yorkshire;. was attended; in the Spring and Autumn Assizes, by his Roman Catholic chaplain, without objection by Sir James Parke, Mr. Baron Alderson, Mr. Justice Coltman, or Mr. Jus- tice Mauls In the current year, the Roman Catholic chaplain of Mr. Richard Swift, one of the Sheriffs of London, has accompanied the Sheriff in the City Courts,. and been presented to the Cursitor Baron of the Ex- chequer for the approval of her Majesty. •
Mr.. Roebuck haspublished in the Daily-Hews a letter of explanation on the matters connected with the statement of Mr. Coppoek, which we mentioned last week. He does not contradict any of Mr. Coppock's statienents, but he adds other particulars of his own electioneering ad- ventures ; and he expresses. more kindly feelings towards Mr. Coppock hiMselrthan his language in. the House of Commons was understood to imply. As to his correspondence with Mr. Coppock about the Bath elec- tion, he confesses that he. had forgot it.
Result of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last—
of 1841-50. orate.
'nnate' Di-wanes Dropsy,. Cancer,,andother diseases of uncertain orvariable seat,
1,575, ....
628 .... 207 64 Tubercular Diseases 1,834 .... 196 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal narrow, Nerves, and Senses 1,265 .... 127 Diseases of the Hearrand Blood-vossela 345 .... 49 Diseases of the Lunge, and of the other Organs of Respiration , 2,081 ..... 231 Diseases of the Stonlach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 679 .... 61
Diseases of the Kidneys. Et
ill .... 20
Childbirth, diseases of the Uterusone
Rheumatism, diaeases of thelSones,10Ints,&e.. ..... 68 .... 10 Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Se 14 .... 3 Malformations 12 .... 2 .... ..... 238'
//trophy.- ............ ......... ...... ......... ....... ....... ..... 167. .... 23 Age 554 40 ....
Sudden 130 10 ....
Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance 258 .... 34
— — Total (including unspecified causes) 10,208 1,128
Lord Derby loves& joke, and not unfrequently indulges in one at the ex- pense of his own friends. It is reported that a friend meeting. his Lordship the other day, made the usual inquiry after his health and his Ministry. "I em quite well, and happy to say that the Babies also are as well as can be ex- pected," was the reply.—Daily Hews.
The Bengal Iturkaru states that Tien Teh, the new Emperor of China, is a Christian ; having been baptized by the late Dr. GuUlaff.
The Reverend George Evison; formerly priest of the Roman. Catholic congregation at Portsea, was admited into the Protestant Church- at St. Paul's, Bermondsey, on Sunday last.
The Churchwardens of St. Paul's Covent Garden have resolved' tserect me- morial tablets for two poets whose remains rest within theirprecincts—Rut- ler, the author of " Hudibras," and Dr. Walcott, the noted " Peter Pinder."
The Electric Telegraph Company are shout to lay down wires from the Royal Obeervatory at Greenwich to their station at Gloating Cross, and to erect on the dome of the office at Chasing Cross a lofty pole with a black. ball at the top of it, which will be in electric communication with the ball on the Greenwich Observatory. The Charing Cross ball will fall down daily, at the easte.tnetant with the Greenwich ball, and sowill mark Greenwich true time for comparison with all the London clocks.
The King of the Belgians has granted to Ear Tames Carmichael and Mr. John. Brett,. brother of the inventer of the submarine telegraph, the exclusive privilege' to lay down electric communieationsbetween this country and the Belgian coast:
Ten Weeks, Week
It-is in contemplation to establish nest spring a has of steamers to run on the Seine, between Berey and Grenelle, on the plan of those which. ply on the Thames.
The definitive armament of Paris, voted in 1846, is going on, says the Pub- lic, with great activity. The detached forts contain at the present moment nearly 6000 pieces of cannon of different calibre, intended for them and for the fortifications round Paris Upwards of 1000 persons sailed from Plymouth last week for the Austra- lian and neighbouring Colonies. The Maria Somes, for Moreton Bay, the London for Port Phillip, and the Standard, for Adelaide, Government emi- grant-ships, took more than 700 adults; and there were four private ships-- the Fortitude, with 60 needlewomen, for Port Phillip, the Barbara Gordon, for Adelaide,. and two others, Now in the-Sound—the Fairlie, with con- victs for Hobart Town ; the Raleigh Government emigrant-ship, for Swan River ; and the Sylph, for Hobart Town.