13 MARCH 1852, Page 8



There is very little to record this week in the English Stocks, and the va- riations have been quite immaterial. The firm appearance of the Conti- nental markets, and the investment of capital for want of other employment, have kept up prices. But the transactions have not been of any magnitude, as the attention has been much occupied both in and out of the House in discussing Parliamentary matters ; and there is an evident pause, which will probably continue until the nature of future debates shall direct operations. Bank Stock, Three per Cent Reduced, and Long Annuities, closed yesterday for the dividend, and the Three-and-a-quarter per Cents today. The invest- ments have been chiefly confined to these. The Consol Market commenced this week at k decline compared with Saturday. Yesterday was the settling, and a scarcity of Stock caused an / improvement on that and the previous day. This morning it opened a shade lower ; which it recovered before the close.

In the Foreign Market, the quotations have been steady. Brazilian has improved per cent. In other Stocks there is little to notice, except in Mexican, which, contrary to expectation, did not advance on Wednesday, although much good feeling prevailed at a numerous meeting of the -Bond- holders on that day, when the favourable conditions on which the intldninity-- money had been negotiated with Mors. Baring became known. Sir J. Lyon Goldamid was in the chair ; and the following resolution, approving of the arrangement for the payment of this money, was agreed to. "The agent in Mexico of the houses who have contracted with the United States Government to pay the American indemnity-money in that capital, will on the 30th of May next pay over to Mr. Falconnet the 2,500,000 dollars in question ; which he will receive for account of the Committee, and ship to Messrs. Baring Brothers and Co. ; who will sell the dollars and distribute the proceeds to the Certificate-holders here, without making any other charge than the commission of 1 per cent usual on the payment of dividends. Messrs. Baring Brothers and Co. have moreover promised, that on receiving advices from Washington, to the effect that the Treasury. there have no objection to the present form of the assignment, they will immediately advertise that they are ready to advance to any certificate-holder who may desire it 41.10s. per 100/. Stock ; for which they will only make the additional charge of four months' interest, at the rate of 51. per cent per annum." Mr. Falconnet is immediately to proceed to Mexico on the Bondholders' behalf ; and he was a subject for much praise for his ability and zeal in pro- moting the interest of these parties. In the Shale Market, Railway lines have not been much inquired after, for the same political feelings that influence speculators in Consols. The late meet- ings, however, have given satisfaction generally ; and a trifling improvement of 1 has occurred in London and North-western, South-western' and Mid- land. London, Brighton, and South Coast, are 10s. higher, and Bristol and Exeter 21. higher. Great Western about the same as last week. In Foreign Shares there is little alteration.


In the English Market the favourable news from the-Cape has made Con- sols about 1 per cent better today ; being noir-quoted 97/ i for Money and 974 8 for the Account. In Foreign Stocks there is no movement at present. In the Share Market, nothing of importance has yet occurred; SATURDAY Tiro o'CLocic.

In the English Market, Consols have declined1 being now 974 for Money and 97/ / for the Account. The only alteration in the Foretil House is in Mexican, which, after having been done at 32, leaves off at 3 1. In the Share Market, there has been very little change y, attention having been occupied in the preparation for the settlement of Monday next. Eastern Counties, 74; Great Northern, 194; Great Western, 86; • Lancaster and Carlisle, 77 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 70/ ; London and Blackwell, 7 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 9i; London and North-western, 114; London and South-western, 85; Midland, 581 ; Norfolk, New 20/., 31; North British, 61; Scottish Central, 151 • South-eastern, 201; York„ Newcastle. and Berwick, 171; York and North'. Midland, 221; Northern of France, *; Orleans and Bordeaux, 104; Paris and.Strasbourg, 201. .

3 per Cent Consols

Dutch 24 per Cents 594 69031

Ditto for Account 971 1 Ditto 4 per Cents

3 per Cent Reduced shut Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 ... 3 4 34 per Cents shut Peruvian 6 per Cents 1 4 41

Long Annuities shut Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842.. 334 44 Bank Stock shut Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 9.5 97 Exchequer Bills 64 67 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 111 13 ex d. India Stock 259 261 Ditto 44per Cents 102 103 Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 2 5 Belgian 44 per Cents 91 93 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 44 21

Chi Ran 6 per Cents 105 7 Ditto Deferred 3 per Cents 1851 1 a Danish 5 per Cents 1014 24 ex d. Sardinian Bonds 894 904, Ditto 3 per Cents 77 9