[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] 6111,-4 cannot believe that "true-born Engl isheten " (if there are any left) w ill appreciate the complimentary epithets lately bestowed by the heads of the Anglican Church upon the Church of Rome. The two Archbishops call the Church of Rome "their sister-Church in Christ." This is all very pretty, but in compliments, as in love, a little reciprocity is essential if any dignity is to be preserved. Will the Pope call the Church of England "a sister-Church in Christ"? Not he!! It would be unseemly to put the words of John Wilkes's famous retort to Lord Thurlow into the mouth of the Holy Father, but the quotation, if unseemly, would be apposite. The Pope has just told the Church of England that she is without Orders, and consequently without Sacra- ments; that she is a p'ainly heretical body whose followers are outside the pale of salvation. A nice sort of sister to have! I confess no power on earth could induce me to call a man " brother " if I knew he would seize the occasion of my doing so to cry aloud " Bastard."—I am, Sir, &c., [Mr. Birrell seems to say that no power on earth would induce him to follow Christ's precepts. " If ye love them which love you, what reward have ye ? Do not even the publicans the same ? "—En. Spectator.]