13 MARCH 1953, Page 1


So much did Mr. Eden and Mr. Dulles effect on the political side; on the financial and economic the identity of view appears to have been no less complete, and Mr. Butler did extremely useful work in impressing the American Secretary of the Treasury and his colleagues with the magnitude and success of the British effort. The reference to the " eventual " converti- bility oL sterling was guarded, and rightly so, but various measures for the relaxation of trade restrictions can be taken, or begun, with little delay, and it is reasonable to infer that they will be. Altogether it is easy to understand the Chancellor of the Exchequer's declaration in New York that his talks in Washington had been invaluable, and that he felt well rewarded for his journey. But by far the best result of the consultations is in creating the assurance that each Government will -put the best, not the worst, construction on the other's actions and decisions. It was in that spirit that Britain's declared intention to stand by her recognition of Communist China was accepted by Mr. Dulles.