No. 169. C. W. SHEPPARD (First Prize, 'Chess Review,' 1942)
BLACK (9 men)
WHITE (10 men) WHITE to play and mate in two moves. Solution next week. Solution to No. 168 (Mansfield): R—B 8, threat R—R 5. 1 . . . B—Kt 4; 2 Q—Kt 8. 1 . . . R—Kt 4; 2 R—QB 5. 1 . . . B—B 4; 2 P—B 8=Q. 1 R—B 4; 2 Q—R 6. 1 Kt—B 4; 2 P—B 8=Q. 1 . . . R—B 3; 2 K—Q 7. So called 'organ pipes' theme with BRs and BBs getting in each other's way—with the extra defence 1 . . . R—B 3 which provides the subtle reason why only 1 R—B 8 will solve the problem.
I am writing this week's column separated from my chess books and am thus unable to produce a game from the past; the best 1 can do is a forgery— a game played in fact in a club match last year between Cologne and Hamburg, but which might have been played a hundred years ago. Incidentally, the loser is only fourteen years old so he has time to got over it.
White, HUBNER (Cologne); Black, CLEMENS (Hamburg); Opening, Two KNIGHTS DEFENCE.
I P—K 4 P—K 4 2 Kt—KB 3 Kt—QB 3 3 B—B 4 Kt—B 3 4 Kt—Kt 5 P—Q 4 • 5 PXP P—Kt 4. This curious move is better than it looks—but still not very good. 5 . . . Kt x P; 6 P—Q 4 is good for White and best is probably 5 . . . Kt—QR 4. White can then win a pawn by 6 B—Kt 5 ch but in practice Black seems to get more than enough compensation, 6 B x P3 . . . The best move Is 6 B—B I! with continuation, either (a) 6 . . . QxP; 7 Kt—QB 3, Q any; 8 BxP or 00 6 . . . Kt xP; 7 Bx P. Move played and the next three moves combine to make up a bad idea.
7 BxKt ch? . Q x Better 7 Kt—QB 3, QXP; 8 Q—B QxQ; 9 KtxQ, 11—. 2 with an equal game. . . . 8Q—B3 P—K Q x13 5
9 Q—QKt point: he hopes to force 13—K
or Q-J--Q 2 leaving him a pawn ahead with a comfortable gone' but Black has other ideas.
B—QB 4!
10 Q.XP ch K—Q
II P—Q 4 . . . If 11 0-0, then 11 . . . R—B 1; 12 QX B—R 3 with a terrific attack. After the game White suggenff,
11 P—QKt 4 but it seems to me that this is mot 5 11 . . . P—K 6!; 12 PxB, Qx1CIP (threat 13 QxP ch 14 P—K 7 mate as well as 13 Qx.R. ch); 13 R—B 1, P—K PI 14 KxP, R—K 1 ch and wins. 116 Lo PXP e.p.
12 - P xP 13 Kt--QB 3 B—Kt 2 14 Kt—B 3 R—KB 1 15 Q--Kt 3 ... 15 QXP?, R—KKt 1; 16 Q—R 6, R XP chi. 17 KXR, QXKt ch and 18 . . . Q—Kt 7 mate. 15Kt—Kt 5 16 QVP B—Q 3! Not 16 ... R xKt?; 17 Q—Q Now however R XKt is threatened.
17 Q—R 4 BxP ch • 01
18 K—R 1 QXQ! The tempting 18 . . QxKt 0 clear because after 19 R—Q 1 ch! Black must play 19 • '3j K—K 2 (19 . . . K—B 1; 20 Q—Q 7 eh, K—Kt Q—Q 8 chi, RxQ; 22 R xR eh, B—B 1; 23 PxQ) and Is a dangerous counterattack.
19 KtXQ R XKt! Decisive.
20 Kt—B 5 11—,B 3 21 B—Kt 5 ch K—B 1 22 QR—Q 1 B—Q 3
23 RXB . . . Resigns is a good alternative.
23i P x R
24 s t BxP
25 K—Kt I PxKtch
26 Resigns . . . Even at fourteen one is enough to undertake an ending a piece down. not optimislY