13 MARCH 1993, Page 30

LETTERS Old habits die hard

Sir: Paul Johnson dwells on the endemic corruption rife in most member states of the EEC and points out the difference between them and, so far, the UK (And another thing, 27 February). This crucial difference in approach to the Law of the Realm is one of several of which the people of our islands are largely unaware and to which virtually no attention has conse- quently been given.

Until the 19th century half of these Euro- pean states did not even exist as such but were fragmented into a host of units, 'shuf- fled and re-dealt like a pack of cards after every war or princely marriage. For cen- turies legislation and control came to them from aliens in remote capitals such as Madrid, Paris or Stockholm. They got to it well enough, using the well-tried mix of cajolery, corruption, deceit and bribery which had served so well for so many cen- turies in dealing with faraway and usually temporary masters. So, what is new about Brussels?

John Davidson

Dane John Court, Canterbury