It appears from the Dublin papers, that the collection of the national annuity toO'Connell for the years 1836 and 1837 is to commence forth- with. There was no collection last year. Mr. Shell has written a letter to serve as a fillip to the liberality of his fellow countrymen. For 1835 this annuity was 20,189/. 15s. .5d.
The great meeting of the Liberals in Dublin is to be held on Tues- day next. There are 350 names to the requisition to the Lord Mayor.
No provision is made in the miscellaneous estimates for any grant to the Dublin Society. As the memhers of that Society would not comply with the recommendation of the Parliamentary Committee, the usual vote of 5,0001. a year has been withdrawn.
Mr. Mansergh St. George has been dismissed from the commission of the peace of Galway county, in consequence of an intemperate letter he wrote to Lord Morpeth complaining of the appointment of Mr. Crofton as Stipendiary Magistrate for that county.