Miss Copley, Lord Lyndhurst's second daughter, on account of whose
illness the ablest of the Tory Lords had left his post in Parlia- ment at an important crisis, died on Tuesday forenoon at Paris, in her fifteenth year. Lord Lyndhurst is said to be in extreme distress : he bud hoped till the last hour.
Tire Tory papers have contradicted the statement of last week, that r. Creker accompanied Sir Francis Burdett from Brighton to Lon. don. The report originated in their own columns ; we saw it first in the Standard.
The Liverpool Albion publishes a correspondence (without the names of the writers) between a Bishop and a student of Braseemose Col
' .
lege Oxford, who wished to be ordained. It will be recollected that Dr. Gilbert, the wise Master of Brasennose, prohibited the young men of his College from attending the lectures or the Regius Professor of Divinity, Dr. Hampden. Consequently they have no certificates from the Doctor ; and in the case above-mentioned, the Bishop refused to depart from the established rule of requiring one from every candidate for ordination. Thus, Dr. Gilbert has placed the students in his Col- lege in a rather unpleasant predicament. The Liverpool Telegraph says that the Bishop is Dr. Butler of Lichfield.
It gives us great pleasure to be able to state that Iris Majesty has been advised to grant a pension of 3001. a year to Lady Morgan— ('varier.
A colossal bust of the Duke of Wellington has just been placed on the right.hund side of the splendid staircase of the United Service Club.
Murray's Royal Lunatic Asylum at Perth, one of the first establish- ments of the kind in Britain, was burnt down on the 9th instant. The inmates, about '200, were taken to the Depot.
Mr. Power, the comedian, has met with a serious accident at Balti- more, his horse having fallen, and thrown him off with so much vio- lence as to break his collar-bone. By the way, Mr. Power has had difficulties of another sort, at Richmond, and was obliged to bring his theatrical campaign in that city to an abrupt close. He states, in a card published- in the papers, that the stock performers were so wretchedly deficient in their parts, that it was quite impossible to play with them. Mr. Preston the manager, and several individuals of his company, have issued cards also, in which they charge Mr. Power with refusing to appear at rehearsals, &c.—New l'orh Gazette. It is acurious fact that the widow of Thomas Lord Lyttelton is now living in her ninety-fifth year. Her Ladyship has lived to see six Lords Lyttelton, including the present, since the death of her husband, fifty-eight years ago.— Worcester Guardian.
It is rumoured that Lord De Roos, is now residing in the little island of Aldetney.—Jersey News.
It is said that Dr. Marsh, Bishop of Peterborough, labo...;:a anaar a dangerous illness. Nine Bishops voted wl•l' 'ministers in favour of
the Irieh Municipal Bill : . may soon have ten on their side.
—Suck Wintilmits
1.7 n'.'.!!'.;"r the stimulants to quicken the Tories in their
contemplated Iiliirn to office.