Letters from Bayonne mention that ESPARTERO was expected at Sae Sebastian on the 6th instant, and that the general attack on the Carlist lines would be made on the 11th—Thursday last. An attempt of
the Carlists to regain the village of Lozola, on the 6th, wins mu isccessful, arid their loss severe. Through the treachery of a Christino Se, h sgweanate, the Carlists were admitted into the fortified town of Centaviia
the garrison were asleep. A small fort in the neighbourhood ells defended by the Christinos ; and the result of the affair was uncertain 'alien the last accounts were despatched, on the morning of the '25th of April. MENDIZABAL commenced an elaborate defence of his finimeial opera. tions in the Cortes on the 3d instant. It is said that a majority is re.. solved to censure him.
There is no news of the least importance from France.