13 MAY 1837, Page 11


The Grezson, Hamilton, from Bengal to London, was burnt off the Saud Heads on the 19th January ; crew and passengers saved.

Arrived—At Gravesend, M'av Sill, Anna Bohr? son. I iamilton, from China. In (ha Channel, Diana, Diulman; Missal-Mt Merchant. Waterier; and Princess Victoria, Lee, front China ; Win,kor, !terming; Symmetry, It Res ; and St. I1eorge, Thom1is3n, from Bengal ; Malabar. Vass. from liontltav ; Lady Fb Ira, Ford from Madias ; Mary. Beach- croft. from Van Diemen's Laad ; Annandale, Hill : and Tickler, White. from Ceylon. At Bridtd, 6tk. Arabian. Brown, fro n China. At lit erpool. Silt, Copeland. Craw ford; and Hercules''. Mixt:tide, from Bengal; Jthn Knox. Thompson. from Bombay ; and Zoe, !lollies, Mini Mamit ins ; and 10th. Diana. Ilawkins, from Bengal. At tbiblin, 5th, Ann Baldwin. —. from China. At Cork. 5th, NI:try Ann, Smith, from ditto. At Si. Helena, March 15th, DM chess of Clarence. —. from Ceylon : 16th Flora, Blair, from China; Collingwood. Holmes. front Ilen4a1; 14th. Sir J, it. Reid wooden, from Mauritius; Urania, Ainley, from Bombay ; 19th, Doke of Clarence. San_tford, from Bengal ; Portland, couhro, feorn Bombay ; 20:11. Lori I I auger ord. Famitharsmi, from Bengal ; and Marquis of I listings, Clarkson, from Bombay ; March g5th. C. Raw. son, Stenton, from Bengal ; March 2501, Ilenry Wessley. from Mauritius; 2911t, W. Loviserby, Metcalf, from China ; 30th, Barrett,. junior, Sanders, from Bengal; Waterloo. Cow, from Madras ; and 3lst,'Iltomas Grenville. Thornhill, from Bengal. At the Cape. Marelt 7th, Thomas Snook, Baker; Hibernia, Gillies; and 1001, Grecian. Richards. from London. At Madras..latt. 27111, Doke of Argyle. Itristow and Orontes, Marshall, train London. At Bengal, Jan. Ill la. Alex 'oder JolmOon, Anbl. from Liver- pool: 15th, Zenolda, Owen ; and Rowley, M•Lactilan, from London; Selma. Luckier, from Liverpotd; Clyde, Kerr; and Pekoe. Gillis's, from the Clyde; 17th, Oriental, Scales, hout Liverpool ; General Mon; and Bolton, Thompson, from Loudon.