13 MAY 1837, Page 11


STOCK ExcilANOE, FRIDAY AFTEINoolf. The recent assistance afforded by the Bank of England to several houses in the American trade, has, by increasing the amount of the circulation of bank- notes, rendered money very plentiful ; and this circumstance, in conjunction with the low state of commeicial credit, which renders capitalists adverse to the employment of money in the discount of bills, has forced capital into the Fonds. An improvement has consequently occurred in the price both of Stock and Ex. chequer Bills. The circulation of the Bank on Wednesday last had reached 19,000,000/. ; which is upwards of half a million higher than the average cir- culation of the last quarter, as published in the Gazette on Saturday. It is believed that the Batik will soon be compelled to adopt some measures for re- duchig this large amount of circulation ; as, from the present state of the foreign exchanges, any increase of premium upon gold in France would render the exportation of gold a more profitable remittance than the usual one by bills of exchange. Advices have been received from New York to the 20th ult. ; and we regret to say that they are not of a more cheering tenor than those recently received from the I'nited States. It does not appear that any abatement of the commercial difficulties had taken place, or that any change for the better could be speedily anticipated. No extensive exportation of the precious metals from America to England can be reasonably expected, for some time. The American Debentures still continue in favour, and are generally sought at prices nearly the same as those of last week. It was expected that the packet recently arrived would have brought n further supply of these secu- rities; but none have been sent.

The Foreign Mai ket has been in a Comparatively tranquil state. Spanish Stock has, however, been the subject of some fluctuation. The hope of ap- proaching succe's on the part of the Queen's forces, in conjunction with the improvement of the price of Active Stock in the Paris Market, bad led to an improvement in price ; but the intelligence received this morning, of insurrec- tionmy movements at Barcelona, has caused a depression to the full extent of the previous rise. Portuguese Stock has been heavy ; it was temporarily affected by the im- provement in Spanish Stock, but it has since fallen back : the business trans- acted in it has however been unimportant. The Railway Shares have been steady during the whole week. The determi- nation of the Southampton Company to issue 16,000 new shares at 23/. per share discount, for the purroae of providing the sum requisite to carry on that work, has not produced any had effect upon the price of the shares ; they are about 2/.1iigher than previously. The Australian Bank Shares are in demand at improved pa ices.

SATURDAY, To FIVE o'ctocx. Canards have been steady all the morning, at 91 sellers for Money and 91 buyers for Account. The Foreign Funds are also without material alteration. The Railway Shares are generally heavier than yesterday: Great Western are par to 1 prem. ; London anti Birmingham 29 to 31 prem. ; Greenwich 1 to din.; Southampton 2:3 to 221 ; ditto, New Shares, 2 to 3 prem.

3 per Ceitt. Consols, sellers.. 91 Danish 3 per Cents. 72 73

Ditto for Account, buyer. 91 Dutch '2i per Cents 53* * a per Cent. Reduced 90 Mexican 6 per Cent. 24*

Kew 3* per Cent :kilns ex.div 99* Portuguese Regency 511. Uts 461 7s Batik Stock

India Stoek Ditto 3 per Cent.

Ditto 5 per Cents IS36 Sci p. 50 51

Exchequer Bills 32 pm. Prussian ( 5 per (cut .. — Belgian 5 per Cents ex. Mr— 99* 100 Russian( N2:2) 5 per Cent... 1074 108 Brazilian 5 per Cents 84* Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 23* I