Clic Court.
THE present year seems doomed to bent stupid one for courtiers.. The illness of the Queen was a reason or a pretence for excluding visiters from the Brighton Palace during the winter ; and now when the King had just notified his intention to give a few parties, and the Queen had commenced holding drawing-rooms by deputy, intelligence is received of the death of her lklajesty's mother, the Dutchess Dowager of Saxe- 1%Ieiningen ; which melancholy event occurred on the 30th of April.
A court mourning of course was ordered. It commenced on Thurs- day : we cannot find in the Lord Chamberlain's announcement how long it is to continue. The parties at Kensington Palace have been postponed. The King came to town on Wednesday, and held a Levee. Among the company, which was by no means numerous, were the Duke of Beaufort, the Earl of Camperdown, Lord Lynedoeh, the Bishop of Ripon, Sir Harris Nicolas, and Sir Charles Grey. The King gave an audience to Earl Grey; and in the evening returned to Windsor, accompanied by the Vice-King, Sir Herbert Taylor, vul- garly though riot constitutionally known as his Majesty's Private Se- cretary.
The regular bulletin of the Queen's health is, that Dr. Davis mid Dr. Chambers say she is improving; but she has not yet ventured to leave the Castle.