The Corporation of Dublin lately resented an address to the Lord'- Lieutenant, intended by its tone to counterbalance the loyal declarations of the County Magistrates who assembled at Kilinainham. LordClarendon received the address on Monday, from a deputation appointed to present it. He categorically answered each of its points, in a tone of dignified ree bides at the impmdeut falsehood with which the Corporation had ineinimeed arbitrary and nacoustitutioual conduct on Isis part, and plainly indicated that the depression of trade, &c. in Dublin, that they complained of, was a consequence of the seditiou which the Corporation did not discourage.
The Lord Chancellor has called upon Mr. Smith O'Brien to explain he signature Impended to the 'counter-proclamation" which was issued by the Confederation last week: the signature having been avowed, Mr. O'Brien has been dismissed from the Commission of the Peace.
The Court of Queen's Beach on Wednesday, gave aueninlons judgment against Mr. Mitobel's pleas in abatement. A plea to an information, that as indictment was still pending on the same matter, they deemed to be bad. andePendeptly of that consideration, the entry of the.nolle prosegui was an answer to such a plea. As soon as the judgment was given, Mr. Mitchel was called upon to plead without delay. He rose and did so on the spot- " Not guilty." The trials of Mr. Smith O'Brien and Mr. Meagher are postponed to Monday and Tuesday, that Sunday's observances might not perchance he denied to a slow jury.
Dr. Kennedy has brought Father Bermingham on his knees. The fol- lowing letter appears in the Evening Post, the Government organ. ”Borrisokane, May 7. Sie--I deeply regret having caused to be published in the Nation newspaper efithe 2e1 of April a letter by which I have incurred, and doubtless justly, the displeasure and severe censure of my Bishop. I now fully and entirely retract this letter; as appearing to others, and to myself on more mature con,skieretion, to have a tendency to incite to civil war with its deplorable consequences. As a minister of religion and a Christian', I deeply deplore that this letter should have a meaning so much at variance with the teaching of our Divine Redeemer and his blessed Apostles; and I beg leave to express, through the medium of your respect- able journal, these my sentiments of regret and my retraetation of the letter. "1 am, Sir, your obedient humble servant, JAMES BERMINGHAM, P.P." Dr. Kennedy has also proceeded to extreme measures with the Reverend Mr. Nolan of Monsen, whom be lately suspended for altar denunciations. The Weeder states that Mr. Nolan was recently charged with writing in the Tipperary Vindicator certain articles derogatory to the character of his Bishop. le protested before God that he was not the author; but the editor exposed him, and exhibited them in his handwriting. Dr. Kennedy has totally deprived Mr. Nolan of his parish.
Mr. Mitchel has published a letter respecting his retirement from the Irish Coufederation. The reasons were not connected with disasters at Limeriok, but with "differences on some important questions of national policy" which had long existed between Mr. Smith VBrien and himself. "All active measures of the Council of which I approve," he adds, "shall have my warmest support; more especially the calling together of a Na- t:km*1 Confederation, and the enrelment of a National Guard."
The Young Itelanders of Waterford gave a grand enteetoinmeat to their leaders en Sunday lest. Mr. Smith O'Brien was too ill to attend; Mr. Mitchel was of course not present, since his secession; so the leaders were only Mr. Meagher and Mr. Daffy. Disturbance was apprehended. The war-steamers Medusa and Merlin came into harbour and lay alongside of the quay, and.ether preparations were made. AIL-however, went off quietly.
The leaders of the Old Ireland party and the Young Ireland party have coalesced, WI their individual responsibility; and have issued a fraternal nddrem eiemed by Dr. Miley, Mr. Smith O'Brien, Mr. Johp O'Connell, Ur. Meagher, Mr. Gay= Duffy, and others.
The Protestant Repeal Association held a meeting on Tuesday evening, and adopted resolutions in favour of Repeal. A letter was read from Mr. tiliarmari Crawford, advocating Repeal on English greunds.
The limited IriAnwn of last Saturday was only half its usual size. Mr. Mitchel announces, that all the printers in Dublin, but (me, were afraid to print his paper; and the faithful one had not a press large enough to print the full sheet. In another week Mr. Mitchel will have a large press of his awn: meanwhile, anything is " better than a lawyer's revision."
The St. Peter's Parish Savings Bank stopped payment on Wednesday, trader pressure of the panic preached up by the Cenfederates.
The Dublin Evening Mail states that evidences are rife of another ex- tensive failure in the potato crop. The misfortune is universally traceable, it is mid, to a return to the use of bad seed and bad methods of culture.
At Thurles Quarter-Sessioos, last week, Michael Guitfoyle was tried by a jury half Protestant and half Catholic, and convicted of manufacturing war-pikes in the ,guise of three-bladed pitchforks—after a pattern in the United Irishman. He received the mitigated penalty of twelve months' imprisonment.