13 MAY 1871, Page 1

Mr. Gladstone on Monday stated the intentions of Government in

the management of public business. The Local Rating bills are abandoned, and the Licensing Bill is to be cut in two, the police clauses only being retained. The ten years' clause is given up, and it is said will not again be proposed ; but the clauses regu- lating hears, adulteration, and inspection will be embodied in a new Bill, and as the Premier hopes will pass. The Army Bill will be proceeded with on every Government day, then the Ballot Bill, and then the Scotch Education Bill, and Mr. Gladstone entertains a hope for the Merchant Shipping Bill, which, as it contains 800 clauses, we do not share. That Bill will never pass except as a series of byelaws issued by the Board of Trade. If this session we get through the Army Bill, the Ballot Bill, and the Westmeath Bill, the Government will have done all we hope, and much more than we can now confidently expect. The House is, however, to commence business a quarter-of-an-hour earlier.