Of course the House of Commons will reject this and
the other- kindred amendments, indeed it was hoped they might be struck out again on the third reading in the Lords, having been carried by so miserable a majority ; but this hope Lord Salisbury blighteffi on Thursday night, maintaining that the majority was only acci- dentally so small, owing mainly to their Lordships preferring, their dinner to their test. We accept the explanation,—indeed„ nobody asking for bread could have even considered the offer of so very little a stone as that,—but it shows surely that their- Lordships will surrender to the wish of the House of Commons what they do not value at the cost of a little delay of their din- ner. It would be a bad compliment indeed to the other branch of the Legislature, to say that what they risked to get to their knife- and fork, they will not risk to gratify the elect of the people.