13 MAY 1876, Page 1


A N outbreak, which may prove to be important or trivial, but .11 is probably the former, has occurred at Salonica, the second city-in European Turkey. A girl of fourteen, a Bulgarian by birth, professed a desire to turn Mohammedan. The Greeks of Salonica, either aware that she was under duresse, or enraged at her apostacy, seized her, and carried her to the house of the American Consul, Hajji Lazzare, by birth a Greek. The Mussul- mans, utterly enraged, thronged to the Mosque, and thence, according to the most probable account, sent a message to the French and German Consuls, who are relatives by marriage of Lazzaro, that the American Consul was in danger. MM. Moulin and Abbott accordingly proceeded to the 'Mosque, Where the excited inob murdered them, beating them to death with iron railings torn down for the purpose. They did not, however, murder or apparently attack Lazzaro, pro- bably fearing the instant vengeance of the Greeks, who outnumber the Mussulmans in Sakinica by three to two, and are strongly protected by the Russian Government. It is strongly suspected that the affair was premeditated, but of this there is no evidence as yet, thongh the Mussulmans of the cities are undoubtedly get- ting exasperated at the continuance of the Bosnian insurrection.