Aesthetic. By Benedetto Croce. Translated by Douglas Ainslie. Second Edition.
(Macmillan. 21s. net.)—Benedetto Croce's Aesthetic in the original Italian consists of two parts, Theory of Aesthetic and History of Aesthetic. In the first edition of his translation, published in 1909, Mr. Ainslie was able to give only a summary (containing about a third of the original matter) of the second part. In the present edition this is translated in extenso. Croce's historical survey of Aesthetic is executed in his usual masterly and comprehensive manner, and the quantity and importance of the new material make this new edition a valuable contribution to the English version of Croce's philosophy. Alterations and additions have also been made in the theoretical portion in conformity with the Italian fourth edition. On the other hand, Croce's lecture on Pure Intuition and the Lyrical Character of Art, which formed an appendix to the first English edition, is now omitted.