13 MAY 1922, Page 3

The Daily Herald announced on Wednesday that the General Council

of Labour has decided to be responsible for the paper for the next six months. The price will again be raised to 2d. We are glad that the Council has come to this decision as it is desirable that there should be a daily newspaper representing Labour. We suppose that now that the Daily Herald is to be, temporarily at all events, an official publication, it will be more moderate. Cynical persons might say, not wholly without justice, that they would prefer that the Daily Herald should remain as it is, since, without in the least meaning to do so, it has sickened people of Communism, Bolshevism and all other mischievous "isms." Our own hope, however, is that the Daily Herald, as an official organ, will at last be able to stand on its own feet. Why should it be ashamed to help the Labour moderates, who, after all, are the great majority ? But above all, it is essential for the Daily Herald to be a good newspaper. We mean that it ought to contain all the news presented without prejudice or partisanship. To state what happens day by day is not to say that you approve of it. No newspaper can prosper in these days, especially if it costs 2d., if it does not contain all the ordinary news published by other papers.