[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR]
SIR,—Miss Galbraith's article, " China : The War and the Student," in your issue of April z9th must have removed any doubts in the minds of your readers about the usefulness of the work of relief for Chinese Students for which International Student Service has undertaken to raise funds in the universities of other countries. May I report briefly about the contribu- tion to this fund from England and Wales ?
We have now raised just under £4,000, a total to which students themselves have contributed generously. Besides sending our share of the money to China, we have had to take responsibility for Chinese students in English universities whose source of supply has' been cut off. Nine of t he most outstanding are already receiving assistance.
A further ki,000 will enable us to complete an effective year's work on behalf of those to whom China will look for
leadership in the future.—Yours, &c., PHILIP SMITH,
Secretary in England.
International Student Service, 49 Gordon Square, W.C. r.