13 MAY 1938, Page 6
A paragraph from Dr. Seton - Watson's new book, Britain and the
Dictators, which is, I believe, reviewed on a later page of this issue, is worth quotation here. It relates to the profits from Mein Kampf. " When I bought my copy in 1933," writes Dr. Seton-Watson, " at the price of 8 marks, the sales had already reached 1,040,000, and they now exceed 3,000,000. If we were to reckon the author's royalties at the very modest sum of 6d. a copy, they would represent a minimum of L75,000." Actually the price today, I fancy, is 12 marks ; if so, the royalty may be assumed to have increased proportionately. The com- pulsory purchase of Mein Kampf is, of course, on a for-