13 MAY 1938, Page 6

With all the talk about foreign policy the average citizen

has not much beyond the public speeches of politicians and leading articles in the papers to help him shape his views. A good many average citizens therefore may like to have their attention drawn to the last issue (May-June) of International Affairs, published by Chatham House, at which four recent Chatham House papers on foreign policy —by Professor Toynbee, Lord Cecil, Lord Lothian and Mr. R. A. Butler, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (in that order)—arc published verbatim, with full summaries of the discussion each paper evoked, the participants including Lord Astor, Lord Allen, Sir Alfred Zimmern, Mr. A. V. Alexander, M.P., Miss Rathbone, M.P., and many others. Symposia of such value on a question of vital interest are rare. (Through any bookseller, 2S. 6d.) * * * *