I am very glad indeed to see that in an
article in the News Chronicle Dr. Eric James, High Master of Manchester Grammar School, the largest and most important institution of its kind in the country, condemns categorically the Ministry of Education's new General School Examination, and more particularly the provision that no boy shall take the examination below the age of 16, shortly to be raised to 17. Dr. James makes the sound point that what the nation needs above all things are the services of gifted individuals and that this is the right way to stunt them. He further suggests, very rightly, that the best we can hope for is a closer co-operation than ever between schools and universities—which must mean in this matter co-operation against the Ministry of Education. That is not an encouraging prospect. Has not Mr. Tomlinson the strength of mind to recognise that he was wrongly advised by the Secondary Schools Examination Council, and open discussions on the whole matter with the teaching profession ?