13 NOVEMBER 1841, Page 20


Tuesday, Nov. 9.


Duncan and Bolsover, Mauchester. bakers —Haukinson and Orme, Macclesfield, cheese-factors—Harrisou and Brown, Manchester, attoroies—Bradshaw and Hancock, Manchester, cotton manufacturers—Stoneham and Clark. Kentish Town, omnibus- proprietors—Anderson junior and Co. Durham, coke-manufacturers—.Newhall and AVGeoch, Wood Street, Cheapside, warehousmeu—Chatterton and Froggatt. Maccles- field, drapers—Dawson and Co. Pen-y-Soul, Flintshire, brick-makers—Wright and Plant, Dudley P. rt. Staffordshire, iron-masters—W. and J. Thompson, Chatham, grocers—F. and H. Selfe, Bristol, watchmakers—Jackman and Phillips, Theme, cattle-dealers—Banes and Cobden, Friday Street, warehousemen—Wood aud Lilwall, Liverpool, tea-dealers—Ross and Jackson. Kingston.upou-Hntl. printers—J. and J. Lees, Manchester, accountants—S. aud G. Smith, Melts, Somersetahire, carpenters.


Bowman, ROBERT, Liverpool, commission-agent, Nov. 8. Bowsea, JOHN, Milton Street, Dorset Square, timber-merchant, Nov. 9. JACKSON. JOHN, St. Paul's Churchyard, commission-agent, Nov. 8.

Ous-roe, RICHARD, Kingston-upon-Hull, sawyer, Nov. 8. PERRY, THOMAS WALTER and ANN, Steward Street, Spitalfields, silk-manufacturers,

Nov. 9.

Rayarter, GEORGE, Oxford Street, hosier, Nov. 9.

SMETHURAT, JAMES, Manchester, small.ware-mauufacturer,SNov. S.


RoutErr. Rom and ARTHUR Yenta, Kingston-upon-Hull, euginemanufacturers, Nov. 20, Dec.21: solicitors, Messrs. Hicks and Harris, Gray's Lou Square; and Mr. Holden. Hull.

Balms, HENRY, Blackburn, cotton-spinner, Dec. 1. 21: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Wilding and Fisher, Blackburn. Cana, WILLIAM, South Shields. grocer. Dec. 2, 21: solicitors, Messrs. Currie and Woodgate, Fincoln's Inn ; and Mr. Hew leen, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Clarrwatoar, ANNE, JOHN, and Woman. Wigan, cotton-spinners, Nov. 22, Dec. 21 : solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row ; and Mr. Leigh, Wigan. DAVIS, EDWARD. West Bromwich, timber-dealer, Nov. 23, Dec. 21: solicitors. Mr. Reece. Ledbnry; and Messrs. Clarke sod Medcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields. DUNCAN. MARY ANNE, Oxford Terrace. Hyde Park, boarding-huusekeeper, Nov. 23, Dec. 1 : solicitors, Messrs. Hodgson and Co. Salisbury Street, Strand ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street. GUPPY. ROBERT, Halstock, Dorsetahire, horse dealer, Nov. 22, Dec. 21: solicitors, Messrs. Clown and Wedlake, Temple ; and Mr. Batten, Yeovil.

HOLLAND. EDWARD BERNARD, Manchester, calico-manufacturer, Nov. 28, Dec. 21 : solicitors. Messrs. Capes and Stuart. Gray's Inn; and Mr. Law, Manchester.

Kromarr. Graeae, Long Alley, Worship Street, victualler, Nov. 23, Dec. 21: soli. citor, Mr. Ware, Blackmau Street, Borough; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Copthall Buildings.

WIsscm...n. ROBERT. Liverpool, victualler, Nov. 20, Dec. 21: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; aud Mr. Snowball. Liverpool. Mircniti.L, ROWLAND, Lime Street, merchant, Nov. 17. Dec. 21: solicitors. Messrs. Clayton and Cookson. Lincoln's luu ; official assignee, Mr. Green. Aldermaubury. Raexnrr. SARAH. Bell Yard, Carey Street, locksmith, Nov. 18. Dec. 21 : solicitor, Mr. Maephrul, Wilmington Square; official assignee, Mr. Green, Alderman bury. Ronitesoe, THOMAS, Leadenhall Street, tallow -merchant, Nov. 16, Dec.21 : solicitors. Messrs. Crowder and Maynard, Mansiouhotute Place; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street. SAUNDERS, PETER, Kingston-upon Hull, merchant, Nov. 16, Dec. 21 : solicitor, Mr. Parker, St. Paul's Churchyard; official assiguee, Mr. Gibson, Basioghall Street.

Seem Join; Turmas, Gravesend, estate-agent, Nov. 18. Dec. 21: solicitors, Messrs. Gregson and Kewell, Angel Court, Throgmorton Street; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street.

SHERIDAN. BERNARD. Liverpool, provision-dealer. Nov. 24, Dec. 21: solicitors. Messrs. Adiington and Co. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Littledale and Bardsvrell, Liverpool. Tercet', HENRY, Andenshaw, Lancashire, hat-manufacturer. Nov. 23, Dec. 21 :. soli- chews, Messrs. Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Ion Fields; and Messrs. Higginbotham and Co. Ashton -uuder.L) ne. THOMAS. RICHARD, Wick, Glamorganshire, maltater, Nov. 22, Dec. 21 : solicitors, Mr. Lewis, Bridgeud, Glamorgaushire; and Mr. Wrentmore, Liucoln's Inn Fields. WALTERS, THOMAS junior, Swansea, grocer, Nov. 24, Dec. 21: solicitors, Messrs. Williams and David, Swansea.

lain.i.morr, PHILIP. Blackfriars Road. linendraper, Nov. 18, Dee. 21: solicitor, Mr. Racily, New Bridge Street; official assignee, Mr. Whtimure. Basinghall Street.

Wiinow, Caitaixerox, Wickhambrook, Suffolk, innkeeper, Nov. 27, Dec. 21 : soli- citor. Mr. Chalk. Chelmsford.

WORRELL. JOHN, Sussex Street, Tottenham Court Road. victualler, Nov. 23. Dec. 21: solicitor, Mr. Paruell, Church Street, Spitalfields; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Coptltall Buildings. DIVIDENDS. Dec. 2, Barlow, 'Change Alley. stockbroker—Dec. 2. Stallebrass and Middleton, City Road, timber-merchants—Dec-7. Biddulph, Henrietta Street, banker—Dec. 1, Brooks, Hatton Garden, jeweller—Nov. 30, Picard. Friday Street, wholesale linen- draper—Nov. 30. Smallfield, Newgate Street, bookseller—Nov. 30, Hedges, Oxford, plumber—Nov. 30. Roberts, Finch Lane, merchant—Dec. 17, Fox, Manchester, corn. dealer — Nov. 30. Martin, Liverpool, wine-dealer — Dec. 9. Bennett, Cambridge. builder—Dec. I, Blackett and Thackray, Manchester, cloth merchants—Dec. 1, Blood- worth, Loughborough, miller—Dec. 1, Boud junior, St. Thomas-the-Apostle, Devon, cooper—Dec. I. Lamb. Stockton, Durham, iron-merchant—Dec. 1, Effisbury, Holy- well, Fliutshire, grocer—Dec. 1, Taylor, Middlesbrough, Yorkshire—Dec. 3, Foster, Bridgewater, draper—Feb.4, Daniell. Boulogne, copper-smelter—Nov. 30, Alexander, Liverpool, printer. CERTIFICATES.

To or granted, unless cause be shows to the contrary, on or before Nov. 30. Hammon, Great Portland Street. plumber—Millership, New Merely Colliery, Staf- fordshire, coal-master — Potter and Co. Manchester, calico-printers —Warren and Taylor, Little Hermitage Street. St. George's-in-the-East, ship.chandlers—Vavasour, Rochdale, wool-merchaut —Carter, Birstall, Yorkshire, woolstapler—Molle, Liverpool, pawnbroker.


ALEXANDER, JOHN, Glasgow, builder, Nov. 17, Dec.8.

Serums, WILtanst, Easter Levet, Inverness-shire, grain-dealer, Nov, 15, Dec.7.

CORSTORPHIN, Prrea, Edinburgh. boot-maker. Nov. 15, Dec. 4. Lout.oN, JAME, Paisley. grocer, Nov. 16, Dec.7.

STEVENSON and Howtsotr. Edinburgh. painters, Nov. 15, Dec. 15.

THOMPSON, JAMES, Dundee, merchant. Nov. 15, Dec. 6.

Friday, Nov. 12.


Abtott and Bell, Fartelon, Nottinghamshire, millers—Giuder and Bradwell, Bug- awton, Cheshire. silk-manufacturers—J. and W. Meabry, Broad Street, Bloomsbury. grocers —Nias and Pett, Edmonton, surgeons—Parsons and Edwards, Vine Yara. A ldersgate Street. engineers—Scott and Parsons. St. Mildred's Court, attoruies—J. aud J. Whitaker, Salford, Lancashire, licensed-victuallers—Zwilchenbart and Co. Liver- pool, general-merchants—Austin and Co. Farnworth, Lancashire, machine-makers; as far as regards Austin—Walker and Co. Birmingham, jewellers; as far as re- gards Horton—Finden and Green, Regent Street, architects—Hadfield and Sander- son, Sheffield, anvil-makers—Beaton and Campbell, High Street, Whiteehapel, jewellers—Patillo and Perrott. Bristol, woollendrapers—Cormack and Co. New Cross, Surrey. nurseryman; as far as regards C,ormack —C., R.. aud J. Gatehouse, Chiches- ter. brewers; as far as regards C. Gatehouse—Smith and King, Park Street, cabinet- makers.


DICKERS. GEORGE. Hertford, surgeon, Nov. II. PALMER, JAMES, Upper Whitemoss Street, carpenter, Nov. 11. Paossoa, SAMUEL, Portsea. Southampton, merchant, Nov. 12. &Bower, JoaN, Liverpool, wine and spirit-broker, Nov. 11.


AARONS. BENJAMIN, Knowle's Court, Doctors' Commons. furrier, to surrender Noy: 27, Dec. 24: solicitors. Messrs. Wood and Ellis, Corbet's Court, Gracechurch Street; official assignee, Mr. Edwards. Frederick's Place, Old Jewry. BURBEY, THOMAS. and Co. Portsmouth, bankers, Dec. 3, 24 : solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn ; Messrs. Cruickshank and Wakefield, Gosport; and Mr. Hillard. Portsmouth. BENSUSAN, ABRAHAM LEVY, and BRANDON, Josno.s. Walbrook Buildings, merchants, Nov. 26, Dec. 24: solicitors, Messrs. J.,nes and Son, Size Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street.

Nam, Aueosycrs. Sackville Street, tailor, Nov. 24. Dec. 24: solicitor, Mr. Pike, Old Burlington Street ; official assignee, Mr. Lackiugton, Coleman Street Buildings.

CARTER. HENRY CHAPMAN, Hammersmith, carpenter, Nov. 23, Dec. 24: solicitor, Mr. Lonsdale, Temple; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. FELL, WILLIAM and THOMAS. Sharpies. Lancashire, provision-dealers, Dec. 1, 24: solicitors. Messrs. Adliugton and Co. Bedford Row; and Mr. Hampson, Manchester. FELL, Beirr, Sharpies, Lancashire. bleacher, Dec. 1, 24: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Mr. Briggs, Bolton-le-Moors. Fowans. JOIIN. Leicester. hosier, Nov. 24, Dec. 24; solicitors, Mr. Taylor, John Street, Bedford Row; and Mr. Lawton, Leicester. Wells. JOHN KIRLEY. Sunderland, victualler, Nov. 26, Dec. 24; solicitors, Messrs. Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard; sod Mr. Wilson, Sunderland. NASH, WILLIAM, Budge Row. tea-dealer, Nov. 23, Dec. 24: solicitor, Mr. Adamson, Ely Place; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. RUSHBURY, HENRY DUNCALFE. Southwark Bridge Road. money-scrivener. Nov. 19. Dec. 24: solicitor. Mr. Buckley, Duke Street, St. James's; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street. SALFORD, WILLIAM WALKER. Stockport. timber-merchant. Nov. 27, Dec. 24: soli. cams. Messrs. Makinson and Sanders, Temple ; and Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders, Manchester.

SLOANE, ECCLES, York, linendraper, Nov. 19, Dec. 24: solicitors, Messrs. Baxter, Lincoln's fun Fields; and Mr. Pearson, York. WALKER, JOSEPH, Newbold Muor, Derbyshire, earthenware-manufacturer, Nov. 23, Dec. 24: solicitors, Messrs. Spence and Builivant, Alfred Place. BcdforcIrSquare; and Messrs. Lucas and Cutts, Chesterfield. WATKIN. WILLIAM junior. Leamington Triers, wharfinger, Nov. 22, Dec. 24 : soli- citors, Messrs. Parkes and Soo, Gray's Inn ; and Mr. Cope, Leamington Priors. WELFORD, RICHARD GRIFFITH, Strand, printer, Nov. 19, Dec. 24: solicitor, Mr. Wil. kinsou, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane. WINTERBOURN, THOMAS. Albemarle Street, tavern-keeper. Nov. 24, Dec. 24: soli- citor, Mr. Cockney, Lamb's Conduit Place; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.


Dec. 6, Smallman, Edgeware Road. draper—Dee. 4, Molyneux, Lombard Street, watchmaker—Dec.3. Curtis and Garry, Tokeribouse Yard, merchants—Dec. 3, Carter. Springfield, wine-merchant—Dee. 3, Coxhead, Westminster Bridge Road. oilman — Dec. 3, Legh, New Windsor, corn-dealer—Dec. 2, Brown, Oxford Street, china-dealer —Dec. 3. James. Southampton Street, Strand, woollendraper —Dec. 3, J. and J. Boyn, Jewry Street, Crutchedfriars, winemerchauts —Dec. 2, Donaldson, Buckingham Street, army-agent—Dec. 8, Coming.Plymouth. shipowner—Dec. 3, Oldham. Nutting, ham, oil merchaut —Dec. 17, Matkin and Buxton, Chorltooupon-Medlock, Lancashire, grocers—Dec. 8, Bourne. Birmingham. woollendraper—Dec. 6, Bishton,

Shropshire. iron-master—Dec. 10, Guest, Chester, tanner—Dec. 6, Krauss, Salford, manufacturer—Dec. 6, Hattersley, Biltuu-with-Harrogate, Yorkshire, iunkeeper — Nov. 24. Beaumont, Huddersfield, grocer—Dec. 7, M. A. and B. Cross. Kingston- upon-Hull. spirit-merchants—Dec. 6, Lowe, Preston, jeweller—Dec.6, Short, Solis. bury, grocer. CERTIFICATES

To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Dec. 3. R. and J. Campion, Whitby, bankers—J. and W. Campion, Whitby, ship-bnilders- S. and S. Stocks. Heaton Mersey, bleachers—Butterworth, Rochdale. cotton-spinner- Molineux. Liverpool, musicseller—Marshall. Somers Place West, Somers Town, vic- tualler—Johns, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, priuter—Ford. Guildford Street East, Spafields, jeweller—Eglington, Walsall, builder—Hadfield, Manchester, cattle-dealer.


BIRRELL, CHARLES, Cupar, Fife, spirit-dealer, Nov. 18, Dec. 9. CRAWFORD, WILLIAM, Johnstone, auctioneer. Nov. 18, Dec. 9.