13 NOVEMBER 1841, Page 9

The intelligence from Barcelona at once shows the fierce energy

of the Liberals in that town and their deference for Espartero : on the 2d. instant they published the subjoined decree-

" Barcelona. 30th October.

"Two Commissioners of the Junta have been arrested by a band of unknown individuals, at a moment when they were returning from accomplishing a mission intrusted to them by the Junta. The Junta has adopted the necessary measures to procure the liberation of its Commissioners; but from this day it will re- nounce the pacific system which it has hitherto pursued. The hostages who answer for their safety are confined in the tower of the citadel ; and as the Junta, being engaged in important labours, cannot attend to the solicitations of pretended philanthropists, it has decreed the following— 'The Junta will listen to no indirect application in favour of the hostages detained in the tower of the ex-citadel, and who were arrested last night.' "

On the 1st, the same Junta had decreed, that whoever should propa- gate reports calculated to excite the people against the prisoners con- fined in the citadel, should be immediately shot. By the 7th, however„ at the bidding of Espartero, the Junta dissolved itself, and admitted General Van Halen, who was not popular in the town, without demur. He occupied the fort of Mount Jouy, and the place was quite tranquil.

The Paris Moniteur says that the Junta of Surveillance at Valencia have decreed the demolition of their citadel ; and it is added, that Es- partero is likely to hasten back to Madrid in consequence of that re- fractory conduct. French reports unfavourable to Espartero's authority will be received with caution.

At a dinner in Madrid, given by the staff of the garrison to the staff of the National Guards, the following, among other violent toasts, were drunk with great warmth, if the Correo Nacional, itself a violent paper, may be believed-

" To the happy day when we shall drink the blood of tyrants like the wine in this glass."

" If the Pope excommunicates the Duke of Victory, may Spain shake off as soon as possible the yoke of the Pope."

" To the speedy coming of pure Democracy."

" May the Supreme Being speedily glorify the King of the Barricades."