13 NOVEMBER 1858, Page 5

While Ribandieni isinewilme gulefishismietiin the outmer on le r . Ni xon the

slaughter: Athol marehipr ef 'bodies roe ,inen in military we, on the 0. ,yobitwEttitipor Dkety,o theecommetteteappdinted at the eveL1%tithe-Jo inureltelidififereehted) Coi.-

Nenagh &man

inaels,,, have , tiriiiiqe the Lord-1 ieuttelaitfoi.

an Inquiry valt

WO their trial, eqc .aaeme--

attempt to mu der. on in Donegal loss been fo4owed by the Thg r ''Q 'C'O'S County. i,'Itiehard Ely, actual accompliiihniene 'erten, livedhi a'and Borris-in-thilory!' Ile wes the

„niarried and witleeftisebitfiheir Reheat who lived hurd:by, „i-f7fie was wal "Ideg home on the eveninkee theroth an assaseheconeeeled in aniebery sheellmil it `happened thtit.lii wee passing through a neatest/ Ftae, mid preseettehlois 'side: to 'the ruffian/IA.1w the shot.lodgedin his &tidal,: Mr. ElYstaggered -haat tebis brother's honee„; and felt exhansted be the shock and ikenta riot blood. Medical ,noon Were instantly suputioned. Theydel what wesPoisibliet,o atop thellow of blood.;. buV the next morning it was' found neeeWaryloi mmputute the limb.'.; 'Mr. ,Eirdiedr- About -three hods after this epettitiors had hiipettformed.- Ile was a kindheartedman; melee-and "universally beloved." 'The motive for the crime is'supposed iohave been Mr. Ely% efforts to suppress poaching. , The Murderer left his hat behind .him, 'and it is hoped that this will load

to his eireati , ' ,

Mr. Cruise, stipendiary magistrate, levied on the 4th the fink quarterly instelmenti 50/.tthe attutorikinired -for -the payment of extra pollee in JteflvheO_1tlffi eeene, bft the attem ph on Mr: Nixon's+ life. • Some . of the pee- soeitbusined.,.kaieraiWittielsseti.ofthe atteniptedmurder. •