13 NOVEMBER 1880, Page 15


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " esporneR.1 S111,—I am somewhat amused at . finding myself taken to task for praising "the smug virtues." I have often been rebuked for passing them too lightly by. But they have their place, and it is a noble one, in the order of a Christian State. And it is well worthy of consideration whether those "Methodists with umbrellas " in the Yorkshire valley would not have bees the men to furnish martyrs if martyrs had been wanted ; certainly, the Quakers, whose industry, thrift, sobriety, and honesty—" the smug virtues " which I praise—send them to the front in any calling, have ever been ready to -suffer the spoiling of their goods, and worse, for .righteousness' sake.—I am, Sir, &c., Streatham Hill, November 9th. J. BALDWrN BROWN.