* * The DailyNews of Friday, November 5th, published article
about the irregular or secret armies of Germany.
s the article was by a pacifist whose object was to how the perils which beset peace, exaggeration may be uspected. It cannot be denied, however, that there as been in Germany an undue number of bodies which re intended to serve a military purpose although they e disguised as social or athletic organizations. These idden forces, not being adequately armed, could not tand up to a regular army ; but clearly they would of drill as enthusiastically as they do for no object t all. We had a glimpse the other day of the manner i which the Commander-in-Chief of the Reiehswehr itraduced the eldest son of the ex-Crown Prince into is manoeuvres while concealing the fact from the nister. of Defence. The 'Manchester Guardian of uesday published a message from its Berlin correspondent lowing that the illegal Black Reiehswehr was definitely ssociated with the Regular Army. It seems that the rman Government owes a double duty to itself to deli these organizations. They create suspicion abroad, id they are primarily -a danger to the Republic itself. * * **.