[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] w,—As I read the
article of Dr. Kircher, the editor of the Frankfurter. Zeitung, I was led to wonder what is his view of English informedness and intelligence. He should know that access to documents, and public discussion, exist in this country; whatever may be the case in Germany.
What did the " Rihrer " say at Nuremberg about the Urals and the Ukraine ? Herr Kircher says, that Hitler exclaimed what would Germany have achieved " if her territory and resources were as vast as, for instance, thOse of the Urals or the Ukraine." Herr Kircher's inverted_ commas mean to quote Hitler's own words. But anyone who reads the account of the speech, or anyone who, like myself, heard the speech on the wireless, knoWs thiS " quotation "'of Herr Kircher's to be, quite simply, false. Hitler said, " If I had the Urals and the Ukraine, &e."—the conclusion to be understood being, " If I get the Urals and Ukraine, then what a glut of prosperity for Gerinany." Hitler, no doubt, wanted to try the idea out on foreign nations. The dubious result so far leads' his apologists to cover up and distort his statement.
Herr Kircher's " explanation " reminds one of the pretty alsbald controversy, where the German Foreign Office, receiving another rebuff, had to distort etymology and meaning in order to make a word meaning " immediately " signify in due course."
Again, in his " quotation " of the Russian broadcasts in ,German, Herr Kircher presumes on our ignorance and gulli- bility. But there are people in England who actually listen to these broadcasts. I myself do so now and again, being kept at home a good deal. NeVer has— the Russian wireless, so far as I know, made any suggestion that the Red Army is " ready to inVade Germany." . Never have I heard or seen evidence of this sort. What I have heard is indignant revelations of statements of German leaders and of the German wireless, calling for a world-offensive against Russia; and statements that Russia will defend its territory against
all invaders. This is supported by all the public pronounce- ments of Russian leaders. - ' In order to persuade us, Herr Kircher should : 1. Forbid the teaching of German in England.
2. Forbid English people to listen to German broadcasts.
3. Forbid English' people to read German newspapers.
4. Forbid public discussion of German affairs in England.
5. Forbid us to listen in to Russia.
6. Forbid any examination of past statements of German leaders.
Herr Eicher cries, " Be fair to Germany and you will he rewarded "—I fear the reward for the British will be solely and exclusively in Heaven.—Yours truly, La Casita, Girton Road, Cambridge. C. E. WADDINGTON.