BIRTHS. On the 29th August, at Hamilton, Bermuda, the Wife
of Lieutenant-Colonel Whit- Ungham, C.B., Twenty-sixth Cameroniams, of a danghter.
On the 4th October, in Wilton Crescent, the Wife of H. Lowther, Esq., of a son.
On the 4th, at Culzean Castle, the Marchioness of Ailsa, of a daughter.
On the 5th, at Waresley House, Worcestershire, the Lady Henley, prematurely of a son, who survived his birth only a few hours. On the Otli, at Sheringham Hall, Norfolk, the Wife of H. R. tfpcher„ Esq., ofa see. On the 8th, at Croxley Cottage, near Hickmansworth, Herta, the Wife of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Kelly, H.31.'s Thirty-first Regiment, of a daughter.
On the 6th, at Kineton, the Right Hon. Lady Willoughby de Broke, of a daughter. On the 9th, at Eton College, the Wife of the Rev. J. E. Yonge, of a daughter.
On the 11th July, at Moulmein, Lieutenant MacMahon, Thirtieth Regiment M.N.I., to Horatia Anna, third daughter of the late Commander Arthur Davies, R.N., and Elizabeth, his wife, niece of Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson.
On the 3d October, at Vallengin, Canton of Neuchatel, Switzerland, Charles Joseph La Trobe, Esq. late Lieutenant-Governor of the colony of Victoria, Aus- tralia, to Rose Isabelle, widow of the late Auguste Louis de Meuron, of La Rochette,
On the 4th, at Hunstanton, Norfolk, the Rev. 8. R. Carter, MD., late Fellow and Tutor of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and Rector of Brantham, Suffolk, to Myr. Ulla, eldest daughter of J. T. Carter, LK., of nunstauton.
On the 4th, at East Parade Chapel Leeds, John Wrigley, eldest son of William Winans, Esq., of Huddersfield, to Charlotte, eldest daughter of Edward Baines, Esq., of Leeds. On the 9th, at Cramlington Church, Northumberland, Alexander Harley, Esq., Portrack, Dumfries, to Catharine Allan, eldest daughter of Edward Potter, Esq., of Cramlington House. On the 9th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Melville Portal, Esq., M.P., to the Lady Charlotte Elliot, daughter of the Earl of Minto. On the 9th, at Challacombe, Charles Pine Coffin, Esq., of East Down House, Devonshire, and of Impington Hall, Cambridge, to Margaret Juliana, youngest daugh- ter of the late Rev. William Carwitben, D.D., Rector of Stoke Climsland, Cornwall. On the 10th, at Ivy House, Stranraer, Maurice Cole, Esq., of Pesten Hall, North- amptonshire, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late Lieutenant-General 11PNair, C.B. On the 10th, at Edinburgh. Sir Benjamin F. Outram, C.B., Inspector of Fleets and Hospitals, R.N., to Sally, daughter of the Joseph Outram, Esq., of Glasgow. On the llth, at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, William Townley Mitford, Esq., Of Pitt's Hill, to Margaret, second daughter of Lord Kenyon.
On the let August, at the Navy Hospital, Vancouver's Island, George Kellie Mac- aulay, Chief Engineer of H.M.S. Brisk, second son of Dr. Alexander Macaulay, formerly of Edinburgh ; in his 34th year. On the 24th September, at Scutari, on board the Orinoco, of epilepsy, Miss Clough, one of the lady nurses from Balaklava. On the 27th, at Spixworth Rectory, Norfolk, the Rev. G. Howes ; in his 83d year. On the 30th, at Inverinate, Lochalshe, N.B., from falling over a cliff into the sea, Lavinia Mary, wife of Alexander Matheson, Esq., M.P., and sister of the late Lord Beaumont.
On the lst October, on hoard the Indiana, at Spithead, from wounds received in the trenches at Sebastopol on the 24th of August, Captain the Hon. Robert Drum- mond, of the Coldstream Guards, second son of the Earl of Kinnoull; in his 24th year. On the 2d, in Sloane Street, Colonel Delmer, brother of the late General Delmer. On the 3d, at Scrayingham Rectory, Christiana F. Douglas, the wife of the Rev. W. F. Douglas, and eldest daughter of the late Admiral the Hon. Sir Robert Stopford. On the 3d, at Geneva, William Hominy, Esq., eldest son of the late Sir Samuel Hominy ; in his 57th year.
On the 5th, Rear-Admiral the Hon. William Henry Percy. On the 6th, in Portman Square, John Lloyd Clayton, Esq., third son of the late Sir William Clayton, Bart., of Marden Park, Surrey, and of Ilarleyford, Bucks.
On the 8th, John Dent, Eaq., of Worcester, and of Sudeley Castle, Gloucester- shire; in his 78th year. On the 8th, at Bath, William Hungerford Colston, D.D., fifty-seven years Rector of West Lydford, Somerset, and for the same period an active Magistrate and Deputy-Lieutenant for the county; in his 82d year.