13 OCTOBER 1860, Page 20


Her Majesty's Theatre opened on Wednesday evening with the Trova- tore, which, hackneyed as it is, drew a full house, and was received with the applause which never fails to be bestowed on this most favourite of modern Italian operas. It was carefully and well got up ; and the cha- racters of the hero and heroine were most beautifully performed by Gin- glini and Titiens. Signor Briani, a new baritone, appeared in the cha- racter of the Count di Luna ; and, though his voice lacked the mellow sweetness which contributed to the remarkable success of Graziani in this part, yet he deservedly gained a favourable reception. Madame Le- maire, who sustained the part of the gipsy Azucena, has a fine contralto voice, and is altogether an accomplished singer ; but this arduous charac- ter demands greater histrionic powers than she possesses.

Macfarren's Robin flood was performed for the first time on Thursday, with brilliant success. As the production of this opera, which is truly a chef d'reuvre, will be hereafter regarded as a memorable event, it is en- titled to a more ample notice than can be bestowed upon a performance which has taken place at so late a period of the week. Next week we shall endeavour to give such a notice; contenting ourselves for the pre- sent with saying, that the opera was splendidly performed, the principal characters being sustained by Sims Reeves, Madame Lemmens-Sherring- ton, Madame Lemaire, Mr. Santley, Mr. Parkinson, and Mr. Honey ; that the theatre was full to overflowing ; and that the audience were enthusi- astic in their demonstrations of applause.