Row, Walworth, linen-draper- JOHN SKINNER, Northampton, boot-manufaeturer—BENJAMIN WILLIS HARKER, Pentonville Road, linen-draper—TnomAs GRIFFIN, Hampton Terrace, Hampstead Road, bookseller—M.11.1.1A1 HENRY VICKERS, Suffolk Place, Lower Road, Islington, butcher—JAmss Tnogas, Abingdon, Berkshire, builder—CHARLEs ParretrARD, East Place, Lambeth, plumber—Wn.Lims Pate, Wheatsheaf, High Street, Wapping, victualler—BRHJAmni REYNOLDS, Hogton Old Town, cheesemonger—Jonx TRIPE, Cross Street, Walworth, tallow-chandle'r—THomAs Joni:soy, Bilston, Staffordshire, iron-merchant—WILLIAM SYKES, Kinver. Staffordshire, draper—Jon:en TONGUE, Rugby, Warwickshire, boot-maker—THosiAs ALFRED RAOG, High Street, Binning - ham, bookseller—JosEen THomAs BRowx, Coventry, watch-manufacturer—JAmEs ToNgs, Ablewell Street, Walsall, Staffordshire, currier—Jonx WAVOR DAWSON, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, cotton-spinner—WILLLus Tuarnr, Drake Street, Plymouth, draper—SAMUEL RANDLE, Buchwell Street, Plymouth, actioneer —TRomAs LINLEY, Beverley, grocer—JA/tEs SACNDERS, Claughton, Birkenhead, Cheshire. general-agent—ALExANDER BATN, 'Grove Street, Ardwick, Manchester, draper—WILLIAm, Brook Street, Old Garrett, Manchester, iron- monger. Scotch Scquestrations.-13nowN and MACDONAI.D, Edinburgh, coach-builders- MiveaELL, Edinburgh—Frorrox and Co., Leith, merchants—Bern/LIT, Dundrennan, millwright—SEHTis, Paisley, oil-extractor —WLLtrox, Windygates, flax-spinner- BRows, Ayr, ironmonger. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 12. Baukrupts.—Jortx K.Emr, Leadenliall Street, merchant—CHARLES WILLIAM pcINE, Dudley, Worcestershire corn-factor—RogRaT STErEss, Ipswich, inn- .eePer—JAREz FowLER, Tredegar,'Monmouthshire, draper—WHIRL PLATTER, Dor- chester, draper—BENJAMIN Goonsox, junior, Little Coggleshall, Essex, farmer- 4-.LPRED SILVESTER, New Dorset Street, Clapham Road, photographic artist—JoHN ":„aropr.a, Great 'Yarmouth, printer—Jonx SIDDONS and WILLIAM CLARK, Great lind3b. Staffordshire, iron-founders—JAmEs WiirrrARER EvANs, Newcastle-under- I:yroe, Staffordshire, cotton-spinner—MATILDA ARCHER, Filey, Yorkshire, grocer- -1 nomAs Reno,. Birmingham, stationer—SoLomox LYNDO, Westbourne Grove, Bays- water, wine-mertbant.