Mr. Grant Duff made a very brilliant speech on Wednesday
to his constituents at Elgin. He was very bitter on the policy of the late Government in forcing on a Reform Bill before it had welded the party together by a series of Liberal measures on which all were agreed. He satirized Lord Russell for his reti- cence towards his greater supporters, and Mr. Gladstone for his eagerness to wipe out the stain of ecclesiastical conservatism by becoming first a martyr and then a saint in the cause of Reform. He distinguished between the " hyaenas of the cave," those who hated all Reform, and their weaker allies and victims. He com- mented on the hostility of fair social influences,—" the party of the roses and the nightingales,"--to the Bill. He advocated .taking a good Reform Bill—if it can be got—from the Tories. He asserted that Mr. Gladstone hated " with concentrated malignity" " thorough-going Liberalism extending to every department of thought "—and that, " take the whole Liberal creed, and you will find few politicians who accept so many of its articles as Mr. Lowe." Having never seen " the whole Liberal creed," we are not quite competent to the discovery suggested ; but we call Mr. Lowe's Liberalism the Liberalism of intellectual indifference and thd worship of material prosperity ; Mr. Gladstone's, the Liberalism of popular sympathies and spiritual faith ; and we are disposed to think, in spite of Mr. Duff's dictum, the latter the truer Liberal type of the two.