TIANOVER, Hesse Cassel, Nassau, and Frankfort have been 1 formally annexed to Prussia by patent, and the Duke of Cum- berland has formally released his former subjects from their allegi- ance, " reserving all his rights," which, if it is true, as the Times re- ports, that he believes the sovereignty of the House of Guelf to be part of the Providential scheme settled before the Creation, must be extensive. Thirty-eight members of the Hanoverian Lower Chamber have, however, issued a manifesto, in which they say they could teach the King nothing—naturally, for how can you teach the inspired ?—and now recommend union with Prussia. They point out that the common Parliament of 1848 would have imposAd universal conscription, and agree that Prussia must con- trol commerce, industry, military and political affairs, and all obligations of the subject towards the State, but wish for a Pro- vincial Representative Assembly, with local powers and a control over half the State domain. It is not probable that this prayer will be granted while the provincial Diets of Austria work so badly, and England is so entirely without any. Finally, they trust that all States south as well as north of the Main will be admitted into the new organization.