The subjects of King LEOPOLD are looking forward to the
ap- proaching celebration of the Three Days of September, which is intended to be unusually brilliant. The organization of a new order, called the " Croix de Fer," will be the principal novelty. The decorations will be distributed on the 26th instant, by the King. The Brussels correspondent of the Times writes that- " The number of individuals on whom it has been resolved to confer this dis- tinction has been variously stated. It may be about 1000, including sonic remarkable names, and some rather droll rapprocleemens. Messrs. O'Connell, Hume, and Sir John Hobbouse are, I understand, included, as having eloquently and forcibly maintained the principles of the Belgian Revolution in the British Parliament. Louis Philip and M. Hebert (President of the Parisian Club, les Amis du People) are also on the list ; which will contain the names of many foreigners, amounting, it is calculated, to about one-sixth of the whole. The rest are composed of those natives who distiuguished themselves in ithe conflicts with the. Dutch troops, or in the political transactions of tha- tifebtataPpeciusl thus meant to be recorded."