Spain may be a very barbarous and uncivilized country in
the opinion of Englishmen, but in some matters Spaniards take the lead of us. We talk a vast deal about education ; but treat the young gentlemen of the country, the future citizens, scholars, so/diers, and statesmen of England, as it' they were deficient in all the nobler feelings, and sensitive only to the rod. For almost every description of offence, an English boy is flogged like a Negro slave, a jackass, or a private in the Coldstream. The fol- lowing decree, dated Madrid, 25th of August 103-1, and issued by the Minister of the Interior, is creditable to his good sense and right feeling. We wish we could see a similar document signed " DUNCANNON."
" It has come to the knowledge of her Ilkijesty the Queen Regent, that in some colleges of this capital, the i.onishment (!//tolqin../ is used upon the boys; awl this male of correction bring (Inanity/ to drecterg and decorum, and dis- !lowing us III llat him who inflicts it as him who sql;Ts it, it is ordered that in ell Me mlleyes and honscs ‘,1 ed neat ian af this hinydwa, shall be abolished similar chastisement, and crow other mode which may valise ally injury or pain. The masters of colleges are directed to correct the finks of their scholars by the Means of emulation and good eNample, and by privations which cannot produce evil con,equences, either physical or moral."
It thus appears that the young Spaniards are not in future to be used like brutes : Englishmen will soon be singular in their adherence to " a mode of correction contrary to decency and de- corum, and disgracing as much him who inflicts it as him who suffers it."