On Thursday night, about eleven o'clock, a fire broke out
at the sugar- house of Messrs. Watson and Co. in Pump Yard, Rateliff Cross. The premises were recenly stocked with an immense quantity of materials, from their combustible nature they burnt so furiously, that though there were eight engines at work at once upon it, the effect was scarcely visible. The flames did not abate until four o'clock yesterday morning, when the whole of the interior was consumed. The premises were detached, and by the exertions of the fire.police the conflagration was prevented from going further. Messrs. Watson and Co. are insured for the full amount of their loss ; which is estimated at 40,0001.
Mary Weedon, between five and six years of age, the daughter of Mr. John Weedon, of Commercial Place, Kentish Town, was running across the parlour on Monday evening, with a plate in her hand ; when her foot caught the carpet, and she was thrown down with consider- able force, and the plate broken to pieces. She made no effort to get up again. Mrs. Weedon, who was present, lifted her from the floor, and saw the blood spouting out from a wound on tire right side of the neck. A surgeon was instantly sent for ; but before any assistance arrived, the child died. It appears that a pointed fragment of the plate had perforated her neck to the depth of nearly two inches, com- pletely dividing the carotid artery.
Mr. Henry Icard, art old French gentleman, residing in Charlotte Street, Portland Place, threw himself out of his bed-window into the
area, early on Wednesday morning. His skull was fractured, and he was in other ways dreadfully injured, and died in a few hours afterwards.
On Monday afternoon, as two omnibuses were passing down Cheap- side, at passenger in the first one was getting out ; but the driver did not stop or slacken his speed of full eight miles an hour, and the poor man was thrown down in stepping into the road : the horses of the other omnibus, going at the same rate, knocked him down ; and he very narrowly escaped with his life, as the wheels grazed him in passing.