There is a camp of 20,000 men now assembled near
St. Omer's, preparatory to a grand review. It has attracted a vast number of Eng- lish visiters of distinction.
Great distress and loss have been recently occasioned in several de- partments in France,, by storms of wind and rain, overflowing of rivers, &c. Lyons seems to be recovering fast from the deplorable effects of the disturbances in April. A correspondent of the Courier Francais, who has recently visited that city, says that the " marks of civil war are almost entirely effaced." But the spirit of the people is represented to be still the same ; and fresh outbreaks may be expected should s favourable opportunity again present itself to the operatives. The cor- respondent of the Courier Francais asks, "what is the moral condition of Lyons?" " Rave the days of April decided, by a bloody solution, the old and difficult-.
to-be-settled quarrel of master and workman ? Ask the manufacturers, and they tell you that it has; that their position before this municipal battle was insup- portable; that the society of the Mutuallistes imposed laws upon them ; and that it was impossible any longer to hear with the insolence of those men, encouraged by journals devoted to the sole object of exasperating the quarrel. Before the days of April (say they), the workman acted like the master—imposed on us the law which he himself had made. Now we conduct business more amicably with him ; it is rarely the case that we fail in coming to a good understanding together. Notwithstanding this, if you look to the political aspect of Lyons— if you regard the physiognomy of the workmen—you will discover new symp- toms which announce that the contest is only suspended until favourable cir-
cumstances shall arise for the renewal of the conflict. There is in Lyons an immense display of military force, and a still greater display of police force. When you arrive by the steam-boat, the port of disembarkation is immediately filled by gendarmes and police-officers, who seize your passports, examine with scrupulous attention the characteristic signs of your description, and even go so
far as to put questions to you. If you walk throngh the ti wn, you find it full of soldiers. In the night, numerous patrols parade the streets in all directions. Finally, you perceive detached forts; and all this is for the purpose of restraining —what ?—a population of workmen, a class of people entirely cosmopolite, who might go, carrying their industry along with them, to Switzerland or to Italy, and who are not specially bound to the territory of Lyons. It is, then, only to the citizens, to the peaceable population of Lyons, to that population which is bound to the territory, that these detached forts can prove terrible. Yet the Ministry and the Prefect say, and say so with truth, that this class is entirely devoted to the Government."
The operatives of Rheims have resumed their labours. The most inexorable necessity has driven them back to their work. Louis Lianne, one of the operatives arrested, was tried for having formed part of a coalition of workmen who caused the cessation of labour; and was sen- tenced to five days' imprisonment.
In consequence of the ordonnance of June 3d, reducing the import- duties on cotton thread front the 1st instant, the trade of Calais has become greatly increased, and is likely so to continue. Between the 1st and the 6th instant, :MOO packets of different sorts have been sent into the interior, and the customhouse has received duties upon about 7000 kilogrammes net weight.