The only foreign news received to-day is given in a late edition of the Times.. The Spanish Chamber of Procuradores decided, on the 5th instant, to establish the liberty of the press without the censorship, by a majority of 57 to 55 ; the Ministers voting in the minority. It is also stated, that in the Finance Committee, the majority had come to the determination of recognizing the whole Foreign Debt, with the full approbation of Count TOREN°.
" The report of time Conkmittee (says the Times correspondent) was expected to be presented on the 9th or 10th ; and immediately after the disposal of it by the Chambers, the budget would be laid before it ; which is stated to have been formed on two hypotheses,—one, in case of the recognition of the whole Debt, showing a deficit ; and the other, in the event of the acknowledgment in full of the Cartes Bonds, and an arrangement being made for the other portion (lithe Foreign Debt, by the conversion of half into Active and half into Passive Stock, showing a surplus of upwards of 16,00000 reels."
By what hocus-pocus a surplus is to be shown, is more than we can conjecture. The present revenue of Spain is not equal to the expenditure, even when the interest of the Debt and the extra cost of the war establishment are left out of the calculation. It is plain that the information as yet obtained by the eager cor- respondent of the Times, is of a very vague description.
The French Ministers, it is said, intend to propose an extension of the elective franchise at the next meeting of the Chambers, as the demand for Parliamentary Reform is becoming popular through the country. It is proposed to give the right of voting to all the officers of the National Guard, and the members of Mu- nicipal Councils; but considerable doubt exists as to the real in- tentions of Ministers in, this respect. It is only certain that they will give way as little as possible.