Although the English Money Market showed a disposition to improve on
Wedar,day, when Consuls for Account were quoted at 90,:f that price his not Ikea maintained, and the quotation to-thy is 9N :!1. The probability of the exportation of the precious metals to Portugal becoming so extensive as to compel the Bank of England to curtail the amount of their circulation, is still the subject of remark. We have endeavoured to ascertain, by inquiry of the best inflamed persons, if the quantity of bullion already sent to Lisbon can be considered as sufficient for the supposed demand, but cannot learn any thing satisfactory on the subject. From one source we gather, that the necessary quantity has been provided ; while from another, equally entitled to credit, we are informed that a considerably larger amount will be wanted. We cannot therefore pronounce any opinion on the subject, but must leave the solution of the enigma to the greatest tEdipas—Time. It may, however, be renamked, that the present tendency of the Money Market appears to be downwards ; and that, under present circumstances, no very great advance can, we think, be expected. In the Foreign Market, the Spanish and Portuguese Securities have been those principally dealt in. The purchases of Spanish Stock ffir the current Account, as well as fiar the end of the nmntli, which have been principally effected by three or four leading brokers, have been very extensive; but as these operations have been met by a general disposition to realize among the smaller holders and speculators, the improvement in price has not been considerable. The near approach of the settlement of the Account has also tended to keep down the market ; as the anticipation is pretty general that the difficulty of carrying over Stock will be greater than for some time past, in consequence of the comparatively greater scarcity of money. The highest price of the week has been 49, fur Money, and 50 for Account. The market has been to-day as low as 4ttf, and closes at 414 4. The Portuguese Bonds have fluctuated consider- ably both to-day and yesterday : after being at 814 and 52, they have been today as low as 79}, and close at SO 3. This fall is attributable to sinister reports as to the state of the health of Don Praoto, and the uncertainty in which the question of the further despatch of bullion is involved.
The other European Stocks are generally at the prices of last week; and the transactions in them have not been of a nature to call for remark.
The Spanish Market is firm this morning; and the price has been as high as 50 for Money, and 5% for the end of the Month, and are now 49k. The Por- tuguese Bonds are very heavy : at one period the price was quoted at 13% A, but as the few transactions effected by the Brokers have chiefly been sales, the price has declined, and is now 79I 80.
Since the appearance of the second edition of the Times, containing an express from Madrid, which left that capital on the 6th instant, and brought intelligence of the favourable nature of the report of the Finance Committee, which is said to contain a recommendation for the total recognition of the Cortes Debts, the price of Spanish Bonds has improved about i per cent.-5% a. The prices of the other Stocks are nearly the same, and nothing has occurred worthy of remark.
Spec Cent. Consols
Ditto for Account
90i i
New 34 per Cent. Annuities.
981 9
Bank Stock
— India Stock —
Exchequer Bills 33 34
Belgian 5 per Cents. 981 94 Brazilian 5 per Cents 771 8f
Danish 3 per Cents
— Dutch 24 per Cents.
5l} a
French 3 per Cents.
Greek Omnium, 5 per Cents . — Mexican 6 per Cents 39 40
Portuguese 6 per Cents
WI i
Prussian (1818)5 per Cent..
- Russian (1822) 5 per Cent... 103) 4*
Spanish (1821)5 per Cent... 50} il