There has been considerable depression this week in Government Securi- ties, amounting to 1/ per cent; to which the weight of the Consol Account, arranged on Wednesday, has greatly contributed. They have also suffered- from a renewal of speculative sales ; the operators being impressed with a feeling that the simultaneous augmentation in the rate of discount in many of the Continental cities will suggest a similar movement by the Bank of England. The bullion and reserve of notes arc now at a point which gives. probability to such a supposition ; and moreover, the applications at the Bank for money are not only numerous, but the bills presented are mostly of distant date, indicating the continuance of an active demand. At the- Bank meeting yesterday, the rates were not disturbed ; but should the re- turns of this week and the next be unsatisfactory, an increase is considered certain. Consobi were done yesterday at 94, and after the Bank meeting at 94i 1. Today there have been many variationa ; the range has been from 93a to.941: they closed at 931 L and 94f 1 for Aceount. Exchequer Bills are Is. better. India Stock has been stationary.
There has been no permanent recovery on the Paris Bourse. The gold and specie arrivals have consisted of 127,000/. from New York, and 256,000/. from Australia. Upon each arrival, there is the unsatisfactory intimation, too frequent of late, that the whole is expected to be sent away. Accounts from China announce another unfavourable movement in the ex- change. In the Corn-market there has been a further decline of as.
In the Foreign Market, the principal event has been a fall of 10 per cent in Buenos Ayres; • owing to a communication sent to Mr. Giro, the repre- sentative of the Bondholders, upon their declining the recent proposal for the arrangement of the debt : the Buenos Ayrean Government have now withdrawn it and the question reverts to its former position. The Stock has been 705, but is now 737. Brazilian is 1 better. Turkish Six per
Cents are Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents 1, and Turkish Four per Cents 1 lower. From a preponderance of sales, the market wears a heavy appearance today. 'The Shares in the Royal British Bank continue unsaleable, and many persons are desirous of paying large sums to get rid of their liability. The Court of Bankruptcy has declined to make an adjudication, and petitions have been presented to the Lord Chancellor for winding-up the bank's affairs.
In Railways, there has been great depression owing to the fall in Con- sols ; and they have been sold today lower than at any time during the week. The following lines have been the most affected ; they show a decline of 15s. to 2/. 10s. Bristol and Exeter, East Lancashire, Great Northern, Great Western, Lancaster and Carlisle, Lancashire and Yorkshire, London and North-Western, London and South-Western, Midland, and South-Eastern. In Foreign Shares the fall has been—Paris and Orleans, 11.; Western and North-Western of France, 158.; East Indian, 128. 6d. ; Paris and Lyons, 78. 6d. ; Madras, Eastern of France, 58. Northern of France Shares have been fluctuating through the recent defalcations of the Cashier and Sub-Cashier, which it is now rumoured amount to 240,000/. ; the Shares have been as low as 391, and are now 39i 1.
The English Funds continue to show great weakness, and are f lower today ; Consols for Money are 94 1, and for Account 94 f. Exchequer Bills 14 17 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England exhibits a decrease of 208,340/. The return of the Bank of France for the past month is also unsatisfactory : although 60,000/. has been paid for premiums on bullion, there is a reduction of 469,000/. in the stock held by the Bank; the amount is now 9,400,000/. be Foreign Market presents no altera- tion. Railways are still receding—Caledonian 52k; London and North-
Western, Staffor 'hire, 14.
The English Funds have been 1 lower since the morning, but the fall has been partially recovered ; Consols for Money, after being done at 93f, leave off 931 f, and for the Account 931 i. Exchequer Bills 14 17 premium. In. Foreign Stocks, Turkish Six per Cents have declined 1, and the Four per Cents I.
In Railways there has been further depression—Caledonian 62; Great Northern, 924 ; Great Western' 631; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 96; Lon- don and North-Western, 102; London and South-Western, 104; Midland, 77k; North-Eastern—Berwick, 77; Ditto York, 55; South-Eastern 70; East Indian, 221 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 21f ; Great Western of Canada, 24a. Joint Stock Banks—Bank of Egypt, 111 ; City, 70f ; London Char- tered Bank of Australia, 20; London and Westminster, 48f ' - Ottoman Bank, 81; Union of Australia, 691. Miscellaneous—Crystal Palace, 2; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 67. 3 per Cent Consols 934 f Dutch 24 per Cents 614 5* Ditto for Account 93i i Ditto 4 per Cents 98 2 3 per Cent Reduced shut Mexican 3 per Cents 224 3 New 3 per Cents shut Peruvian 44 per Cents 80 2 ex d. Long Annuities shut Ditto 3 per Cents 57 9
Bank Stock shut Portuguese 4 per Cents 49 51
Exchequer Bills 14 17 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 10810ex d.
India Stock 230 4 Ditto 474 per Cents 97 9
Austrian 5 per Cents 87 90 Spanish 3 per Cents Brazilian 5 per Cents 102 4 Ditto Deferred 44 I
Belgian 44 per Cents 91 9 Sardinian 5 per Cents 91 Chili= 6 per Cents 105 7 Swedish 4 per Cents 85 8 - Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 ex d. Turkish 6 per Cents 101 i Danish 3 per Cents 60 7 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 101i 2L
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 6th day of Sept. 1856.
£26,001,765 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 3.459,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 11,526,765 Silver Bullion £26,001,765 £26,001,765
D.L.Ni13,10 DIPIA
£14,653,000 Government Securities (Mein- 3,717,742 ding Dead Weight Annuity) £12,111,076 6,087,068 Other Securities 16,126,961 9,624,407 Notes 6,021,669 Gold and Sliver Coin 652,002 £31,914,691 £34,914,691
. Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Arch,
The half-yearly meeting of the Lancaster and Carlisle Company was held on Friday sennitht, at Lancaster. The traffic during the past half-year has been very satisfactory ; the gross earnings have been in excess of those for anyi corresponding half-year, while there has been little increase in the working expenses. The report was agreed to ; and dividends were declared of 36s. 3d. per whole Share, us. Id. per Old Third Share, and 98. 3d. per New Third Share. The report of the Caledonian Company states that the revenue for the half-year amounted to 290,0391.—en increase of 4178/. over the correspond- ing period last year. The expenses have been 134,0911.—en increase of 10,0781. From an available sum of 17,839/. a dividend is recommended at the rate 1 per cent per annum, leaving 2570/. The Great Western Company's branch line from West Drayton to Ux- bridge was opened on Monday last.
The Ripley branch of the Midland Railway was opened for passenger traffic on the 1st instant.
Alfred Latham, Esq., is the gentleman recommended by the Court of Di- rectors of the Bank of England to fill the vacancy in the direction occasioned by the decease of Henry James Prescott, Esq. Mr. Meehi, the Governor of the Unity Bank, in consequence of the alarm created by the failure of the Royal British Bank, has advertised that every i depositor n the Unity can withdraw his money whenever he pleases ; that the capital, deducting ordinary expenses, is intact ; and that the business of the company has been conducted with the utmost prudence—on Mr. Gilbert's plan.
The Royal Bank of Ireland have declared a dividend and bonus at the rate of 12 per cent per annum.
A meeting of dissentient shareholders of the London and Paris Bank have passed resolutions requiring the Directors to postpone a call of 20/. per share, and to wind up the affairs of the bank forthwith. Some shareholders threaten an appeal to Chancery if the Directors attempt to proceed with the bank.
The present position of the Euphrates Railway Company is explained in the correspondence which has recently passed between its Directors and the Foreign Office. The route is to commence at Seleucia, on the Mediterra- nean, and to stretch away by Antioch and Aleppo to Jaber Castle on the Euphrates—a distance of eighty miles. The Ottoman Government will be asked to guarantee 6 per cent for ninety-nine years, and to give the land free of charge. General Chesney may choose any other point of departure from the sea that appears more eligible than Seleucia.
CRYSTAL Eardics.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday September 12, including season-ticket-holders, 75,374.
Notes issued Proprietors Capital Hest. Public Deposits' Other Deposit Seven Days and other Bills... 932,474